Jay Carney

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Jay Carney (2011)

James Carney (born May 22, 1965 in Washington, DC ) was the press secretary of the White House from February 11, 2011 to June 20, 2014 under the presidency of Barack Obama . His predecessor was Robert Gibbs .

Carney studied at Yale University , where he received his Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Eastern European Studies in 1987 . He later worked for Time Magazine and served as a correspondent in Moscow , among other things . During the tenure of President George W. Bush , he was first deputy director from 2003 to 2005 and then from 2005 to 2008 director of the Washington office of Time magazine. He had previously reported as a Washington, DC correspondent since 1993.

In December 2008, Carney retired from his journalistic career and in January 2009 became Director of Communications for Vice President Joe Biden . He held this post until his appointment as press spokesman for the White House in January 2011. On May 30, 2014, he resigned with effect from mid-June 2014 and left office on June 20, 2014. He was succeeded by Josh Earnest .

Carney is married. His wife works for the television and radio - network ABC . Now he works for Amazon after an interim position as a political analyst at CNN .

Web links

Commons : Jay Carney  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. flf / AFP / dpa: Jay Carney takes over. In: Focus Online . January 28, 2011, accessed on January 28, 2017 : "Former journalist Jay Carney will be the new spokesman for US President Barack Obama."
  2. Christoph von Marschall : The new voice of the White House. In: Zeit Online . January 31, 2011, accessed on January 28, 2017 : "Now 45-year-old Jay Carney is replacing 39-year-old Robert Gibbs."
  3. Sebastian Fischer: #RuhDichaus. In: Spiegel Online . May 30, 2014, accessed on January 28, 2017 : “The US president has just announced the dismissal of his veterans minister. When government spokesman Jay Carney explains the matter further, Barack Obama reappears and reports the - voluntary - resignation of his spokesman. "
  4. Volker Briegleb: Google's new chief lobbyist comes from the White House. In: Heise Online . January 13, 2016, accessed on January 28, 2017 : "Obama's former spokesman Jay Carney now works for Amazon."
predecessor Office successor
Robert Gibbs White House Press Secretary
Josh Earnest