Jean Louis Kehrmann

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Jean Louis Kehrmann , also Johann Ludwig Kehrmann (born July 8, 1865 in Koblenz , † March 20, 1891 in Rhens ), was a German landscape painter from the Düsseldorf School .


Kehrmann attended the Düsseldorf Art Academy in 1885/1886 . There was Hugo Crola his teacher. He then switched to the Grand Ducal Baden Art School in Karlsruhe , where Gustav Schönleber taught him as a master student.

1888/1889 followed a year of study at the Berlin Academy with Hans Fredrik Gude . At exhibitions there he received a small gold medal in 1888.

Kehrmann often traveled to the Eifel , also the Rhine and other German landscapes, as well as Corsica and Belgium ; In 1889 a trip to the Netherlands is within reach.

Kehrmann is considered to be one of the last representatives of classical landscape painting at the Düsseldorf School. The Middle Rhine Museum exhibits his works .

His brother was the chemist Friedrich Kehrmann .


  • Thieme-Becker , Volume 20 (1927), p. 64 f.
  • Kehrmann, J. Louis . In: Friedrich von Boetticher : painter works of the nineteenth century. Contribution to art history . Volume I, Dresden 1891, p. 667.
  • Elisabeth Dühr, Dorothée Henschel (ed.): Rough beauty. Eifel and Ardennes in the eyes of artists . Catalog for the exhibition in the Stadtmuseum Simeonstift Trier (July 18, 2010 - October 24, 2010), Schnell & Steiner, Regensburg 2010, ISBN 978-3-7954-2377-3 .

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