Jechiel Michel Piness

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Jechiel Michel Piness (also Yehiel Michael Pines etc .; * September 18, 1824 in Różana , Grodno Governorate ; † March 15, 1913 in Jerusalem ) was one of the first religious Zionists and an outstanding figure of the first Aliyah .


He received a religious and secular education. His mentors were Rabbi Mordechai Gimpel Jaffe, an early representative of Chovevej Zion , and Leon Zamenhof, brother of Ludwig Zamenhof . Piness became a businessman, but also lectured at the yeshiveh of his hometown, where he asked for the curriculum to be expanded to include secular subjects. He was sent to London as a delegate to a conference organized by the Montefiore Testimonial Fund in memory of Moses Montefiore to establish charitable works in the Holy Land. In 1878 he made Aliyah and settled in Jerusalem, where he initially lived with Josef Rivlin , a relative on the maternal side of his wife Chaja Zipporah Piness, née. Luria (1844-1918). She followed her husband and four daughters in 1882. Jechiel Piness coordinated the foundation's work in the Holy Land. Piness channeled funds into the establishment of agricultural villages, new residential areas in Jerusalem such as Miskeret Moscheh , Ohel Moscheh and Sichron Moscheh , as well as into the promotion of crafts and trades. After Eliezer Ben-Jehudah moved to Jerusalem, Piness befriended him and helped him develop modern Hebrew. He helped the Bilu settlers set up Gedera .



In Tel Aviv and Jerusalem one street each bears his name, the moschav Kfar Pines on the Saron plain was named after him in 1933.

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