Jerome W. Conn

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Jerome W. Conn (born September 24, 1907 in New York City , † June 11, 1994 in Naples , Florida ) was an American internist and endocrinologist.


Conn first attended Rutgers University for three years and enrolled in 1928 at the University of Michigan Medical School in Ann Arbor , from which he graduated in 1932 with a medical doctor degree. Here he had also married his wife Betty Stern, who later assisted him with his clinical research. Conn conducted research on diabetes mellitus in relation to obesity and in 1935 became assistant professor of internal medicine . In 1943 he took over the department of endocrinology and metabolism and from 1944 was professor of internal medicine. In 1968 he was appointed LH Newburgh Distinguished University Professor by the University of Michigan. He retired in 1974 after authoring over 250 scientific publications in his career.

Conn syndrome

He was best known for the first description of primary hyperaldosteronism . The disease was named after his name, Conn syndrome .

Conn register

In 2006, a German Conn registry was founded in Munich with the aim of collecting multicenter data on diagnostics, therapy and the course of the Conn syndrome.

Awards (selection)

Web links


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Jerome W Conn: Primary aldosteronism, a new clinical syndrome. In: J. Laborat. Clin. Med. Volume 45, No. 4, 1955, pp. 661-664.