Jerzy Adamski (literary critic)

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Jerzy Adamski (born January 23, 1922 in Danzig ; † November 18, 2001 in Warsaw ) was a Polish Romance philologist , literary critic , theater critic and translator from French , who mainly dealt with the French theater of the Enlightenment in his academic work .


Adamski attended high school in Warsaw. During the German occupation of Poland , he continued his education underground and passed the Abitur in 1941 . He then studied Romance studies at the Uniwersytet Ziem Zachodnich underground university in Warsaw. He also belonged to the Szare Szeregi , was a soldier in the Armia Krajowa and actively participated in the Warsaw Uprising . After its suppression, he was deported to the Lamsdorf internment camp.

After the end of the Second World War , he continued his studies in Rome , London and Paris and returned to Poland in 1947. As a literary critic he made his debut with the article Refleksje redakcyjne , which was published in 1948 in the student magazine Przegląd Akademicki . In 1949 he obtained a master's degree in Romance Philology from the University of Warsaw and found a job as an assistant at the University of Breslau . He returned to Warsaw in 1951, where he was employed as a senior assistant at the University of Warsaw. In addition, he worked from 1951 to 1954 at the Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy as head of the editorial department for Romanesque literature and later in the editorial department for contemporary Polish literature. He lectured at the State Film School in Łódź from 1954 to 1956 and was a member of the editorial board of the Przegląd Kulturalny magazine from 1954 to 1961 . He also worked with the magazines Nowa Kultura and Nowe Książki . In 1956 he was admitted to the Union of Polish Writers .

His collaboration with Polish Radio began in 1960. With the work O "Pucelle d'Orleans" Voltaire'a ( Doctor fathers : Jean Fabre and Mieczysław Brahmer ) doctorate Adamski in 1962 at the University of Warsaw. He then lectured at the University of Wroclaw from 1962 to 1963 and at the State Theater School in Warsaw from 1963 to 1984 , where he was Vice-Rector from 1966 to 1970 . He joined the Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza in 1971. In the 1960s he published in the magazines Dialog , Teatr , Nowe Drogi and Kultura . From 1960 to 1989 he conducted a program with theater commentaries on Warsaw television. In addition, from 1968 to 1975 he directed the literary program Lektury, lektury… on the radio station Polskie Radio 3 . From 1979 to 1981 he wrote theater reviews for Express Wieczorny . In 1983 he became a member of the National Culture Council and in 1986 its vice-chairman.

Adamski died on November 18, 2001.


  • Dramat i scena francuska wieku Oświecenia, 1953
  • Świat wolteriański. Szkice literackie, 1957
  • Oryginalność czy naśladownictwo? Z problemów teatru polskiego na przełomie XVIII i XIX wieku, 1962
  • Poszukiwanie iedeału kultury. Eseje, 1964
  • Historia literatury francuskiej. Zarys. 1966; 2nd edition 1970; 3rd edition 1989
  • Sekrety wieku Oświecenia. Esej w pięciu rozdziałach, 1969
  • Teoria klapy teatralnej, 1969
  • Modele miłości i wzory człowieczeństwa. Szkice z literatury włoskiej, 1974
  • Teatr bez maski , 1980
  • Dno oka, 1984
  • Teatr z bliska. Pamiętnik teatralny z lat 1971–1981 , 1985
  • Upadek humanizmu , 1986
  • Obrona teatru dramatycznego , 1986
  • Szkice wytworne czyli tematy konwersacji salonowej , 1988
  • Disaster culture. Przesłanki nowej polityki kulturalnej , 1989
  • Amen. Esej halucynacyjno-psychoanalityczny, 1989
  • Samopoczucie kulturalne Polaków , 1990
  • Radość i grzech, 1995
  • Salon, czyli jak mówić o sobie, 1996
  • Wstęp do teatrologii, 1996
  • Inteligencja bez maski. Paradoksy inteligenckiej mentalności , 1997
  • Świat jako niespełnienie albo Samobójstwo Don Juana , 2000
  • Uciekinier, czyli Kara boża. Opowieść metafizyczna , 2002


  • Joanna Zawadzka: Adamski Jerzy . In: Współcześni polscy pisarze i badacze literatury . Tom pierwszy: A – B. Wydawnictwo Szkolne i Pedagogiczne Spółka Akcyjna, Warsaw 1994, ISBN 83-02-05445-3 , p. 31-34 .
  • Joanna Zawadzka: Adamski Jerzy . In: Współcześni polscy pisarze i badacze literatury . Tom dziesiąty: Ż i uzupełnienia do tomów 1–9. Fundacja Akademia Humanistyczna, Warsaw 2007, ISBN 978-83-8934894-4 , p. 101 .