Yevgenia Nikolaevna Egorova

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Yevgenia Nikolayevna Yegorova ( Russian Евгения Николаевна Егорова , Parteipseudonym; actually Marta Ella Liepiņa or Marta Ella Leppin ; * 1892 in Rūjiena , † 8. April 1938 ) was a Latvian-Soviet revolutionary , party and Gewerkschaftsfunktionärin.


Egorova, the daughter of a carpenter , trained as a seamstress . In 1911 she joined the RSDLP . One of Jegorova's tasks was to bring revolutionary writings from abroad to Riga . Because of her revolutionary work she was exiled to Siberia in 1915 , but was soon able to return illegally to Petrograd with the passport of a fellow exile . On behalf of the Russian office of the Central Committee and the Petrograd Party Committee, she was involved in setting up the illegal printing press for the Pravda newspaper . After the February Revolution of 1917 she became secretary of the Vyborg District Committee (Rajkom) of the RSDLP (B). In the days of the October Revolution she became a member of the Revolutionary Staff of Vyborg Raion , then head of the agitprop department of the Petrograd Governorate Committee (Gubkom). From 1919 she was secretary of the Saratov Gubkom and later worked for the party in Leningrad. Egorova was a delegate of the VIII., IX., XIII., XVI. and XVII. Party congress of the KPR and the CPSU .

In 1929 she became chairwoman of the central committee of the clothing workers 'union and a member of the All Union Central Council of Trade Unions (WZSPS), and in 1934 she became chairwoman of the Central Committee of the workers' union in the rubber and rubber industry.

Egorova was awarded the Order of Lenin . She fell victim to the Stalin purges in 1938 .


  • Anna Hillyar, Jane McDermid: Revolutionary women in Russia, 1870–1917. A study in collective biography . Manchester University Press 2000, pp. 193f.

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