Joël de Rosnay

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Joël de Rosnay

Joël de Rosnay (born June 12, 1937 ) is a French biologist , computer scientist , popular science writer and entrepreneur .

He is the founder and managing director of Biotics SARL (1992), co-founder and director for future research and strategy of Cybion SA (1996). He also has an advisory role in the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie in La Villette (Paris) . He deals with cutting-edge technologies and the applications of systems theories .


Joël de Rosnay was born as the son of the painter of the École de Paris Gaëtan de Rosnay (1912-1992) and his wife Natacha Koltchine (Наталия Федоровна Колчина). He completed his studies with a doctorate in “ès sciences”.

In the USA he worked as a researcher and teacher for biology and computer science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from 1966 to 1972 before he was appointed as attaché for scientific questions at the French embassy in the USA has been.

De Rosnay returned to France in the 1970s and joined the Pasteur Institute in Paris as “Directeur des Applications de la Recherche” , which employed him from 1975 to 1984. In 1982 he wrote a report that led to the establishment of the “Center d'Études des Systèmes et des Technologies Avancées”, or CESTA for short, which, however, was dissolved again in 1988. From 1987 to 1995 de Rosnay was responsible for the scientific chronicle of the radio station Europe 1 , from 1995 to 2002 "Directeur de la Prospective et de l'Evaluation" (director for future research and evaluation) of the "Cité des sciences et de l ' industrie “He has been working as a scientific advisor at this facility to this day.

The author is the author of several word creations such as "malbouffe" , "biotics" and "cybionte" . None of these word creations has yet been included in an official French dictionary.



  • 1965: "Les origines de la vie: de l'atome à la cellule", Paris, 1966, Seuil
  • 1975: “Le macroscope: vers une vision global”, Paris, 1975, Seuil
  • 1979: “La malbouffe: comment se nourrir pour mieux vivre” with Stella de Rosnay, 1979, Editions Olivier Orban
  • 1981: "La révolution informatique, Ordinapoche", 1981, supplement to the scientific journal " Science et Vie "
  • 1982: "La révolution biologique: voyage aux centers de commande de la vie" (Biokit & Biodisc), special edition "Science et Vie"
  • 1983: “Les chemins de la vie”, Paris, 1983, Seuil
  • 1985: “Branchez-vous” with Stella Rosnay, 1985, Editions Olivier Orban
  • 1986: “Le cerveau planétaire”, 1986, Editions Olivier Orban
  • 1988: “L'aventure du vivant”, Paris, 1988, Seuil
  • 1989: “L'avenir en direct”, Paris, 1989, Fayard
  • 1991: "Les rendez-vous du futur", Paris, 1991, Fayard / Editions n ° 1
  • 1995: “L'homme symbiotique, regards sur le troisième millénaire”, Paris, 1995, Seuil
  • 1996: “La plus belle histoire du monde - les secrets de nos origines” with Yves Coppens , Hubert Reeves and Dominique Simonnet , Paris, 1996, Seuil
  • 2005: “Une vie en plus - la longévité pourquoi faire?” With Jean-Louis Servan-Schreiber , François de Closets and Dominique Simonnet , Paris, 2005, Seuil
  • 2006: “La révolte du pronétariat: des mass media aux média de masses”, with Carlo Revelli , Paris, 2006, Fayard Transversales
  • 2007: "2020: Les Scénarios du futur", 2007, Des Idées & des Hommes

Published in German

  • 1971: “Biology. The book of life. From atom to cell. From the cell to the human ”(co-author: Max de Ceccatty). Olten, Walter publishing house
  • 1979: “ The macroscope . Systems thinking as a tool of the ecological society ”. Reinbek, Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, rororo 7264
  • 1985: “The Biokit. A journey into molecular biology ”. Munich, J. Schweitzer Verlag
  • 1997: "Homo symbioticus". Munich, Gerling Akademie Verlag


Michael Hampe counts the futurologist as one of the writers of the third culture : "(...) Joël de Rosnay [sees] in his work" Homo symbioticus "people communicating on the Internet as components of an emerging" cybiont ", a" higher authority "(... "Future research" becomes science fiction. "Wholeness" and "networking" have evidently become key words of the third culture. " In this context, Hampe generally criticizes the content of the works of the third culture with the following words: “Philosophically, it all looks implausible and conceptually vague. It remains unclear where methodically guided experience and controlled terminology are still at work here and where only an analogy originally used solely for the purpose of illustration has become independent. To make a decision, a philosophical analysis of the scientific theories on which these speculations are based would be required. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. First mentioned in “La malbouffe” (1979), from French “mal” (bad) and “bouffe” (frass), derogatory term for malnutrition borrowed from Argot
  2. According to Joël de Rosnay, a term he himself invented in 1981 to substantiate the union of biology and computer science ( "terme crée pour concrétiser le mariage de la biologie et de l'informatique" )
  3. ^ First mention in "L'homme symbiotique" (1995), translation of the translator into the German edition "Homo Symbioticus" (1997): "Kybiont"
  4. Michael Hampe: “Homo symbioticus. On the way to a third knowledge culture? ", Neue Zürchner Zeitung, Zeitzeichen [1]