Jo Reichertz

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Jo Reichertz

Jo Reichertz (born December 2, 1949 in Trier ) is a German sociologist and communication scientist .

Educational biography

Jo Reichertz passed the general university entrance qualification in Trier in 1970 . From 1970 to 1973 he studied German and mathematics in Bonn . From 1973 to 1976 he taught German and mathematics at the Carl Zeiss Oberschule in Berlin. From 1976 Reichertz studied communication science, sociology and general and comparative literature at the University of Essen . He completed his studies with a Magister Artium .

Reichertz was a research assistant in communication science at the University of Essen until 1981 , then he switched to sociology as a research assistant at the FernUniversität Hagen . There he received his doctorate in 1986 on the history of the development of objective hermeneutics . The reviewers were Hans-Georg Soeffner and Fritz Schütze . 1991 followed the habilitation in general sociology on the logic of the detection of serious crimes . The reviewers were Hans-Georg Soeffner and Heinz Abels .

Teaching and professional activity

From 1993 to 2015 Jo Reichertz was Professor of Communication Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Essen - responsible for the areas of strategic communication, qualitative methods, communication in institutions and new media . Since 2015 he has been a member of the board and Senior Fellow at the Institute for Cultural Studies in Essen, where he heads the research area 'Communication Cultures'.

So far, he has been appointed to visiting professorships at the University of Vienna several times , as well as several visiting professorships at the Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna and, since 2001, regularly to visiting professorships at the University of St. Gallen ; He also held teaching positions at the universities of Hagen ( sociology ), Bochum ( criminology ), Witten / Herdecke ( nursing research ) and Vienna (sociology).

His work focuses on: communication power, strategic communication, communication and dementia, escalation and violence, media effects , media use , qualitative text and image hermeneutics, cultural sociology , religious sociology , empirical police research.

Jo Reichertz is considered one of the main representatives of the hermeneutic sociology of knowledge and communicative constructivism .

Works (selection)

  • Reichertz, Jo (1986): Problems of Qualitative Social Research. New York. Frankfurt / Main: Campus.
  • Reichertz, Jo (1991): Educational work. Police officers and field researchers at work. Stuttgart: Enke.
  • Reichertz, Jo (2000): The good news of television. Cultural sociological investigation of this world religion in the media. Konstanz: Universitäts Verlag Konstanz.
  • Reichertz, Jo (2003, 2013). The importance of abduction in social research. About discovering the new. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
  • Reichertz, Jo (2007, 2009, 2010). The power of words and the media. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
  • Reichertz, Jo (2009). Communication power. What is communication and what can it do? And why can it do that? Wiesbaden VS Verlag.
  • Reichertz, Jo & Carina Jasmin Englert (2010). Introduction to qualitative video analysis. VS: Wiesbaden.
  • Keller, Reiner & Hubert Knoblauch & Jo Reichertz (Eds.) (2012). Communicative constructivism. Wiesbaden: Springer.
  • Reichertz, Jo (2013): Interpreting together. About everyday group interpretation. Wiesbaden: Springer.
  • Reichertz, Jo (2016): Qualitative and Interpretative Social Research. An invitation. Wiesbaden: Springer.
  • Reichertz, Jo & René Tuma (eds.) (2017): Communicative constructivism at work. Weinheim: Juventa.
  • Reichertz, Jo & Verena Keysers (Eds.) (2018): Emotion. Escalation. Violence. How does violence occur before, during and after football matches? Weinheim: Juventa.
  • Reichertz, Jo (Ed.) (2020): Limits of Communication. Communication at the borders. Weilerswist: Velbrück.

Web links