Joachim Freiherr von der Leyen

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Joachim Baron von der Leyen (* 28. September 1897 in Sea , Büderich (Meerbusch) , † 1945 in Dresden ) was a German lawyer and civil servant who in the era of National Socialism as a district administrator in the occupied countries Czechoslovakia and Poland worked and when District Chief of the Galicia District was involved in organizing the Holocaust .


Von der Leyen comes from the family of the Krefeld silk barons von der Leyen . His father Friedrich Ludwig von der Leyen was the mayor of Büderich and the district administrator of the Neuss district and lived with his family in Haus Meer Castle until his death in 1945.

Von der Leyen was a member of the First World War from 1915 to 1918 and a member of a volunteer corps from 1919 to 1920 . He was a member of the Young German Order and from 1926 to 1933 in the Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten . The NSDAP he joined on 1 February 1940th

He studied law and passed the first state examination in 1926, followed by the major state examination on December 22, 1928. In 1933 he was a permanent representative of the police chief in Uerdingen as a member of the government and from April 1934 at the police headquarters in Wuppertal . After the smashing of the rest of the Czech Republic , he was appointed provisional chief district administrator in the Deutschbrod district , based in Deutschbrod in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and was appointed head of the administrative department of the military administrative district OFK 591 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye in 1940 after the occupation of France .

At the end of July 1942 he succeeded Otto Bauer as head of the district in the Lemberg-Land district of Galicia, where Otto Wächter was the district governor . Bauer remained head of the district's internal administration. Berthold Pütter, the district chief of Lemberg-Grodek , had been drafted into the Wehrmacht , the district administration had been merged with Lemberg-Land.

That von der Leyen was informed in advance about the Jewish actions is documented, as with a number of other district chiefs.

He is said to have died of gas poisoning after the air raid on Dresden .

Von der Leyen had only been head of his manor for a short time . His widow Huberta von der Leyen ran the business, which his son Friedrich Heinrich von der Leyen II took over in 1970.


  • Markus Roth: Gentlemen. The German District Chiefs in Occupied Poland - Career Paths, Rule Practice and Post-History. Wallstein Verlag: Göttingen 2009. ISBN 978-3-8353-0477-2
  • Dieter Pohl: National Socialist Persecution of Jews in Eastern Galicia 1941–1944. Organization and execution of a state mass crime. Oldenbourg, Munich 1997, ISBN 3-486-56313-0

Individual evidence

  1. Short biography with Markus Roth: Herrenmenschen , Göttingen 2009, p. 488 f.
  2. Dieter Pohl: Ostgalizien , Munich 1997, p. 285