Joachim Nikolaus Stolterfoht

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Joachim Nikolaus Stolterfoht (born February 17, 1756 in Lübeck ; † March 14, 1823 there ) was a Lübeck businessman and politician .


Joachim Nikolaus Stolterfoht

Joachim Nikolaus Stolterfoht was the son of the dressmaker and independent businessman Jochim Nicolas Stolterfoht (born January 6, 1723, † June 21, 1787). He joined his father's company and successfully continued to run it as a cloth wholesaler after his father's death. In 1802, Stolterfoht was one of the founders of the Travemünde seaside resort , which opened on July 1st of that year, making it one of the first German seaside resorts.

After the incorporation of the city ​​of Lübeck, which had been under French occupation since 1806, into the French Empire on January 1, 1811, Joachim Nikolaus Stolterfoht was appointed to the provisional municipal council on February 13, as a respected and influential businessman . In his function as council member, he belonged together with Peter Hinrich Tesdorpf and Johann Friedrich Hach to the three-member delegation that was sent to Paris to be present at the baptism of Napoléon's son on June 9th.

On July 11, 1811, Stolterfoht became a member of the final municipal council by imperial appointment ; but in August the sub-prefect of the arrondissement of Lübeck began to express suspicions against him. Stolterfoht was accused of sympathizing with Great Britain and secretly being an enemy of France. On July 25, 1813, he and 33 other citizens of Lübeck were taken hostage by the French occupation forces to Hamburg and forced to pay 83,000 francs as a penalty for unspecified misconduct.

After his return to the liberated Lübeck, Stolterfoht resumed his business and ran it until his death in 1823, without holding public offices again during this time.

Marriages and offspring

Joachim Nikolaus Stolterfoht married Katharina Euphrosine Benser († February 1792) on November 29, 1781 . The marriage had seven children up to her death. In 1793 Stolterfoht married again. The connection with Christine Charlotte Krücke (April 2, 1770, † March 8, 1814) had ten other children.


  • Hermann Gustaf Stolterfoht: News about the Stolterfoht family . Max Schmidt publishing house, Lübeck 1920
  • K. Klug : History of Lübeck during the unification with the French Empire 1811–1813 . Publishing house HGnahgens, Lübeck 1856
  • Walter Schubert: The Lübeck cloth trading company Joachim Nicolaus Stolterfoht and its economic and social environment during the continental blockade 1806 - 1813 , Optimus, 2011
  • JN Stolterfoht. 1755-1955 . Self-published, Lübeck 1955.

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Joachim Nikolaus Stolterfoht