Joachim Oporin

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Joachim Oporin

Joachim Oporin (also: Oporinus ; born September 12, 1695 in Neumünster ; † September 5, 1753 in Göttingen ) was a German Protestant theologian .


The son of the preacher Konrad Oporin († 1713) received his first education at the city school in his hometown. Soon he went to Hamburg, where he had lessons from private tutors. In 1711 he moved to the University of Kiel and studied philosophy there. His teachers were Matthias Nicolaus Kortholt (1674–1725), Andreas Ludwig Königsmann (1679–1728) and Friedrich Gentzke (1678–1757). At the same time he frequented the theological lectures with Heinrich Muhle (1666–1733) and Albert zum Felde (1675–1720), where he was particularly interested in the exegetical lectures.

After he had disputed with de subjectis et praetensionibus regni divini in 1716 , he switched to the University of Wittenberg as a theology student on April 26, 1716 . Here Oprin followed the lectures of Gottlieb Wernsdorf the Elder , Martin Chladni and Georg Friedrich Schröer . In addition, trips to lectures at the University of Halle , the University of Leipzig and the University of Jena enriched his knowledge. A study trip to England was prevented by an illness. On October 17, 1718, he acquired the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophy in Wittenberg .

When he returned to Kiel he acquired the right to teach at universities with the disputation de perennitate animi humani . In 1733 Karl Friedrich von Holstein appointed him associate professor of theology at Kiel University. In connection with this he became an assessor of the Kiel upper consistory . In May 1735 he went to Göttingen University as a full professor of theology and received his doctorate in theology in the same year .

Oporin died unmarried in that office.


Oporin developed an orthodox doctrine in the pulpit and during his lectures on holometrics, dogmatics and morals. In close connection with the Bible, he underlined the pietistic demand for the awakening of a personal practice pietatis and, taking up corresponding suggestions from the early Enlightenment philosophy, also gave reason a certain value for the exposition of Christian truths of faith.

In the beginning he explained the claims of the Old Testament in the New Testament and asked his audience to do their own work.


  • Historiae criticae de perennitate animi humani Dissertatio prior. Kiel 1719
  • The use of the dreadful providence of death. Kiel 1725
  • Historiae crisicae prodromus, primis lineis exhibens recensionem caussarum, fundamentorum et rationum historico-philosophicam doctrirtae de natura et vita animorum perenni, ie de amimi humani essentiali a corpore disserentia pen et immortalitnte, ita quidem factam, ut quid supersicies quidius doius autices falsi penes eiusdem hostes deprehendatur, appareat facilius. Hamburg 1730
  • Serious but pleasure-oriented thoughts of the paradise of marriage, insisting that the man is the head of the woman; designed by D. Georg Gottlob Richter's wedding party. Schleswig 1731
  • The duty to capture our reason in the often hidden ways of God; at the arrival of Mrs. Magdal. v. Torment advertised in a consolation book. Kiel
  • Taste of truth and virtue, as such can be improved, through sensible preparation of lively minds for the foundation of divine doctrine and the more unsavory and edifying reading of the Bible. Hamburg 1730
  • Invitatio ad publicas demonstrationum homileticarum praelectionea; cui praemittitur Dissertatio de demonstratione spiritus ac virtutis tanquam vero aedisicationem homileticam coguoscendi principio. Kiel 1733
  • Historia critica doctrinae de immortalitate mortalium, primum eruens ex universalibus caussis et fundamentis communem vitae post mortem, superstitis persuasionem, dainde deducens ex rationibus historicis et philosopbicis consensum et dissensum de animo hominum perenni, hoc descripta consi ... , quid falsi penes eiusdem hostes deprehendatur, facilius appareat. Cum indioe locupletissimo. Hamburg 1735
  • The service of the good angels, which is differentiated in the Old and New Testament, and which is also viewed differently, together with the apparent revenge of Messiäh on the devil, i.e. the explained teaching of the Hebrews and Christians of good and bad angels. Hamburg 1735
  • Progr. De perpetua lege cathedrae theologorum academicae ex mente et exemplo Pauli. 1 Cor. II, May 4, Goettingen 1735
  • Prog. Apologia pro effectis Spiritus S. adverfus errantium vanas aut profanaa cogitationes. Goettingen 1735
  • Prog. Certitudo perennis hominum vitae, morte, corporis non obstante, per experimentum resurrectionis domini nostri Jesu Christi invicte confirmata. Goettingen 1736
  • The old and only guideline to preach convincingly and awakenly, declared, defended and praised. Göttingen 1736, 1737, 1750
  • The old and only guideline for preaching convincingly and awakeningly is illustrated by two short treatises, first of the righteous and the use of reason in the pulpit; second, about the possibility and sufficiency of preaching in textual terms about the regular Gospels and Epistles; also by drey. Sermons, as samples of this guideline, made light. Made out of pure love of the truth and for the free, but Christian examination of others. Goettingen 1737, 1750
  • Diss. Inaug. Vindiciae Pauli regeniti ex intimo dolore ob labem congenitam Rome. VII, 14. cum affectu loquentis. Goettingen 1737
  • First ascetic. Speech, on the theological cathedral in Göttingen, after the inauguration of Georgias Augustae, from 4 Mos. XXIV, 17. Göttingen 1737
  • Progr. Gloria obscurioris quodammodo nuncii de nato filio Dei per angelum pastoribus Bethlehemiticis adlati, Luc. II, 9-11 clarissimis argumentis demonstrata. Goettingen 1737
  • Commentatio theologica de ufu doctae simplicitatis contra Scepticos, in qua primum efficacia illius in demonstranda et vindicanda religionis Christianae divina origine explicatur; deinde imitatio huius doctae simplicitatis contra nostrae etiam aetatis Scepticos tanquam sufficiens et necessaria commendatur; deuique, praestantia eiusdem prae nova V. Cl. Jac. Carpovii subtilitate contra Scepticos illustratur. Goettingen 1739
  • Allocutio ad auditores suos, qua discrimen inter Theologiam moralem atque asceticam uberius explanatur . Goettingen 1739
  • Progr. De Messia, cum infans esset, periculo mortis per feminam subtracto, deinceps autem adulto post mortem expergefacto Jer. XXXI, 22-26. Goettingen 1739
  • Commentatio theologica de firmitate ac inspiratione divina demonstrationis Novi ex Vetere Testamento Evangelicae. Goettingen 1740
  • Progr. De fervore precum propter Spiritum S. Luc. XI, 1-13. Goettingen 1740
  • Apologia pro usu doctae simplicitatis contra Scepticos, adversus Jac. Carpovii Spec. I. II subtilitatis simplicitate non expugnatae, qua loculentius nunc id, quod nimium est in concordia rationis ac fidei inque demonstratione verae divinae revelationis ex criteriis rationis. Leipzig 1741
  • Theological concerns about the outline of a type of teaching to preach properly and edifyingly, according to the content Königl. Preuss. Cabinets Ordre of March 7th, 1789 (by Johann Gustav Reinbeck ) designed and printed in Berlin 1740. 8; formulated according to truth, humility and love. Hanover 1741
  • Diss. Joannis Apostoli paraenesis ad primos Christianos de constanter tenenda communione cum patre ac filio eius Jesu Christo, ie Joannis Epistola I nodis interpretum liberata et luci vere innatae suae restituta. Goettingen 1741
  • Progr. De Elogio Apostolíco mylrerii pietatis, Deus manifestatus in carne 1 Tim. III, 15. 16. Goettingen 1741
  • Progr. Vindiciae novae commentationis de usu doctae simplícitatis contra Scepticos; Viro cuidam docto in supplem. ad Nova Acta Lips. T. IV. Sect. II. Pp. 59-72 oppositae. Goettingen 1742
  • Diss. Clavis Evangelii Joannis historico - ecclesistica, quae dextre applicata patefacit, totum Evangelium Johanne um nihil aliud esse, quam demonstrationem Anticeriuthianam de Jesu…, mundi servatore. Goettingen 1743
  • Diss. Primae lincae systematis propbetici de servatore generis humani, ex intimis solius VT visceribus nova industria eruti. Accedit alienatio vindiciarum naturae et usus vaticinationum VT Messianarum, quales systema illud suppeditat . Goettingen 1744
  • The chain, in part, of the literal foretelling of the heyland of the human race among one another in the books of OT; part of the image of him that was trodden in the sacrifices with the first preaching; instructed from the sole books AT. Goettingen 1745
  • Progr. De adventu Christi, salva Dei bonitate, diutiua post primam eius promissionem protracto. Goettingen 1745
  • Diss. Simplicitas divina sententiae Paulinae, Ephes. VI, 12 de hostibus Evangelii non imbecillia tantum pseudo-doctoribus, sed malignis etiam spjritibus, explanata et vindicata. Goettingen 1746
  • The whole fate of the Jewish people, who formerly spent part of Babel, but partly remained there, up to the arrival of their Messiah, and the establishment of their spiritual kingdom among all peoples, represented by divine omniscience through the prophet Zacharias and preached beforehand; ie the Prophet Zacharias translated, paraphrased, dissected and accompanied with notes. Goettingen 1747
  • Progr. Principatus, quem Christ ante et post nativitatam suam gessit, Esaiae IX, 5, 6. Göttingen 1747
  • The story of the faith in the Savior of the World, based on divine reputation at all times, is explained. Hanover 1749
  • Progr. De ecclesia NT plantata non historiam tantum Spiritus S. sed ipsum etiam Spiritum S. habente, Sam. Chandlero et Ge. Bensonio, Anglis eruditissimis, opposita. Goettingen 1749
  • Diss. Oracula Esaiae cap. 40-55 plus quam Esaiana et divina. Goettingen 1750
  • Progr. De crimine rationis revelationi hodie obstrepentis plus quam Judaico. Goettingen 1750
  • Continued news from the Göttingisches orphanage, whose benefactors are praised in a small preface as true human friends. Goettingen 1750
  • Religion and hope in death; proven in their context. Goettingen 1751
  • Progr. De vita perenni Jesu a morte reducis. Goettingen 1751
  • Diss. Isagoges in…. Apoc. cap. X-XXII. descriptum diss. great, skepticismo interpretum exegetico oppouens clavem quandam authentico-analyticam. Goettingen 1752
  • The chain of messianic prophecies, for figurative sacrifices and purifications of the Old Testament, elaborated for the second time. Goettingen 1752
  • Progr. De praestantia testimonii divini, speciatim Spiritus S. de Jesu filio Dei atque redemtore mundi prae humano testimonio, quam Apostolus Johannes I Ep. V, 6-10 inculcat. Goettingen 1752
  • Jesus in the Church to the end of the world, shown convincingly, from the book of Revelation from the 10th to the 22nd chapter, and its apparent fulfillment so far. Hanover 1753
  • Epistola Platonis de vinculo Dei cum materia intercedente placita inquirens; in novis litterariis. Leipzig 1719
  • Diss. De gloria obscurioris de Messia testimonii prophetici. In: the Göttingen ancillary hours B. 1 (1736)
  • Meditationum exegeticarum Triga, I. Jerem. XXX et XXX, 8. II. Ad Jerem. XXXI, 15. III ad Jerem. XXXI, 22-26. In: Miscellan. Groning. Volume 2, p. 519 ff.
