Joachim Sadrozinski

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Joachim Sadrozinski (born September 20, 1907 in Tilsit ; † September 29, 1944 in Berlin-Plötzensee ) was a German lieutenant colonel in the general staff and resistance fighter from July 20, 1944 .


Joachim Sadrozinski chose the military career in the Reichswehr in 1926 as a professional officer.

After attending the War Academy in Berlin from May 1939, several missions at the front followed during World War II .

Due to an injury, Sadrozinski was seconded to the Army High Command in June 1944 . The lieutenant colonel in the general staff was group leader at the commander of the replacement army, Colonel General Friedrich Fromm and representative of the chief of staff Colonel Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg .

On July 20, 1944 , Sadrozinski supported Stauffenberg by, for example, sending the orders for the Walküre company to the military districts . In these, Hitler was declared dead and the arrest of key figures from the SS , SD , Gestapo and NSDAP was ordered.

After the attempted coup was suppressed, Sadrozinski was arrested and dishonorably expelled from the Wehrmacht by the court of honor formed on August 2, 1944 , so that the Reich Court Martial was no longer responsible for the sentencing. On August 21, 1944, he was sentenced to death by the People's Court under its president Roland Freisler and hanged on September 29, 1944 in Plötzensee .

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