Jochen Kopp

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Jochen Kopp (born February 22, 1966 ) is a German publisher . He is the business owner of Kopp Verlag , which he runs as a registered businessman (eK).


Kopp, who, according to the Schwäbisches Tagblatt, comes from Wurmlingen (Rottenburg) , was a policeman for eleven years and left the civil service in 1994 to start a publishing company. According to his information, the "Kopp-Verlag started out very small, in a cellar in Wurmlingen". From a list of books for acquaintances, a small brochure with titles that he procured and sent out is said to have arisen. Finally he published books himself, initially mainly translations from the American. The public interaction with the ufologist Erich von Däniken was the "initial spark" for the establishment of the publishing house. Since then he has specifically taken up topics "that are taboo in the mainstream" ??.

The entrance of the publishing house in Rottenburg

Kopp rarely expresses himself publicly and points out that the published opinions are those of the authors and that he or his publisher do not necessarily have to agree with this. He also does not provide any details about his turnover. The business information agency Bürgel estimated the publisher's annual turnover in 2013 at 5 to 10 million euros.

In 2014, Kopp declared that he was selling “suppressed truths. [...] In every opinion, no matter how absurd, there can always be a grain of truth. "

Critics accuse Kopp of spreading historical revisionism and Nazi propaganda with his publishing house . In addition to his own books, his sales program also includes a large number of publications from right-wing publishers such as Grabert-Verlag in Tübingen , Ares , Arndt and Pour le Mérite . Kopp maintains a business relationship with Deutsche Demokratie Verlagsgesellschaft mbH , the publishing house of the NPD . The German voice publishing house distributes Kopp books and sells them for a profit.

Local political disputes

Dealing with Kopp and its publisher is in the council of Rottenburg am Neckar controversial. Some local councils referred to the anti-Semitic and right-wing extremist range on the occasion of the sale of land to Kopp . Nevertheless, a majority supported by the CDU and SPD parliamentary groups voted for the sale.

Negative awards

In 2014, Kopp was awarded the Golden Board in front of the head , the satirical negative prize of the Society for the Scientific Study of Parasciences (GWUP). A jury will award the “greatest pseudoscientific humbug” of the year in the German-speaking area. Kopp was awarded the prize for his "life's work"; The reasoning states: “Anyone who deals with esoteric and anti-scientific theories inevitably comes across the Kopp Verlag, founded by Jochen Kopp. Regardless of whether UFOs or alternative medicine , whether pseudo-physics or chemtrails : Kopp-Verlag is at the forefront in practically every area of ​​the paranormal and esoteric. [...] The skeptics, on the other hand, are of the opinion that these books block the view of the world. "

In 2015, Kopp-Verlag was honored in the media and blogs category with Giulia Silberberger's Der goldene Aluhut award . The reasoning stated that Kopp, the founder of the publishing house, was offering a platform for non-existent authors.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Trade tab HRA 390,319 of the Stuttgart District Court
  2. a b c d Anna Hunger: Bridge to the right. In: April 23, 2014, accessed November 19, 2015 .
  3. What the Rottenburger Kopp-Verlag does , Schwäbisches Tagblatt from August 15, 2010.
  4. Hete Henning: SPD calls on Jochen Kopp to make a clear statement after an article on Kopp Online. In: September 2, 2014, accessed November 19, 2015 .
  5. Stefan Kaiser: Conspiracy theories: The business with fear. In: Spiegel Online . May 22, 2014, accessed November 3, 2015 .
  6. Johannes Pennekamp, ​​Patrick Bernau: The fear industry . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , January 17, 2015.
  7. ZAPP article August 2013: Kopp-Verlag: The "other view of things"
  8. Quoted from Tübingen in Focus (PDF), March 8, 2013
  9. Scientific humbug wanted , September 24, 2012
  10. Skeptics choose esoteric nonsense of the year , September 24, 2012
  12. Sebastian Huld: And the golden aluminum hat goes to ... ,, October 30, 2015, accessed on January 16, 2017.