Johann Andreas Laupp

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Johann Andreas Laupp (* 1776 in Tübingen , † 1846 ) was a German local politician, who since 1816 mayor of the first and after the introduction of municipal constitution in 1819 Mayor was of Tübingen.


Johann Andreas Laupp was the son of a master tailor from Derendingen , Johann Martin Laupp. In 1810 he married Christina Barbara Roth, a daughter of Andreas Roth.

He had been a member of the council since 1809, from 1814 he was promoted to court relative, and from 1816 he was also mayor of Tübingen (together with Johann Jacob Rehfuß ). After the introduction of the municipal constitution in 1819, which introduced the office of mayor, he took over this office until 1823.

Under Laupp's chairmanship, the Tübingen municipal council decided on July 3, 1822, despite the difficult financial situation, to introduce a secondary school, from which today's Kepler grammar school developed. The first class opened at the beginning of 1823, a second followed in the fall of the same year, and a third in the fall of the following year.

Notes and individual references

  1. a b Rudolf Seigel: judgment and advice ... . P. 240
  2. Wording of the resolution: “Although the Stadt- und Stiftungskässen are hardly able to take on any further expense, the construction of such a school is still considered in consideration of the great benefit that emerges from a secondary school for popular education unanimously recognized in Tübingen and decided to found such a school. "
  3. Festschrift of the Kepler Gymnasium Tübingen - extension building 1958 , published on behalf of the Association of Former Students and Friends of the Kepler Gymnasium Tübingen (Edition 2006, Peter U. Bussmann, Tübingen).


  • Rudolf Seigel: Court and Council in Tübingen. From the beginnings to the introduction of the municipal constitution 1818–1822 , Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 1960 (= publication of the Commission for Historical Regional Studies in Baden-Württemberg)