Johann August Olearius (1688–1746)

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Johann August Olearius (born October 12, 1688 in Sangerhausen , † April 15, 1746 in Weißenfels ) was a German Protestant theologian.


The son of the Sangerhausen superintendent Johann Friedrich Olearius (1661–1689) received a private education up to the age of nine. He attended school in Naumburg in 1697 and attended the Pforta state school for five years . He then began studying at the University of Jena in 1709 , was at the University of Helmstedt in 1710 and moved to the University of Leipzig in 1711 . In Leipzig he acquired the Baccalaureat on December 12, 1711 and became a master's degree in philosophy on February 12, 1712 .

On April 19, 1713 he was given the archdeaconate in Jueterbog , and on November 27 of the same year he became superintendent there. The University of Jena received his doctorate in 1715 on the basis of the work De Papismo solatii expert to Doctor theologiae . On July 7th, 1720, Duke Christian von Sachsen-Weißenfels appointed him church councilor in Weißenfels.

His marriage on August 28, 1714 with Johanna Sophie (born September 4, 1759 in Jüterbog), the eldest daughter of the Torgau deacon Johann Vater († 1716), remained childless.
