Johannes Buno

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Johannes Buno or Johann Buno (born February 14, 1617 in Frankenberg , † March 29, 1697 in Lüneburg ) was a German theologian and educator .


Buno was the son of a Frankenberg council family and attended the Marburg pedagogy . He then studied at the Universities of Marburg and Helmstedt . He completed his studies with a master's degree . He then served as court master in several noble families and came to Denmark and Königsberg . In the meantime, at the instigation of Johann Ravius in Danzig, he worked out his illustrated Latin grammar. Then he again accompanied a young nobleman as court master. After he died in Celle , he came to Lüneburg in 1653.

Buno became rector of the Michaelis School in 1653 . In 1660, when the school was expanded to become an academic high school , he also received the professorship for history and geography. In 1672 he was also appointed pastor at Michaeliskirche . He later became a school inspector and was also appointed a professor of theology. He retired in 1696.

His work Universae historiae ... was placed on the index of forbidden books by decree of the Roman Catholic Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 1667 .

He is considered to be the inventor of the "emblematic teaching method". The engraver Conrad Buno was his brother.

Works (selection)

  • New Latin Grammatica in Fables and Pictures , Hünefeld, Danzig 1651.
  • Tabularum Mnemonicarum, Quibus Historia Universalis, Cum Sacra Tum Profana, a condito Mundo, Per Aeras Nobiliores & Quatuor Monarchias ad nostram usque aetatem deducta , Stern, Lüneburg 1662.
  • Disputatio Philosophica De Origine Fontium , Rebenlein, Hamburg 1666.
  • Universae historiae cum sacrae tum profanae idea: ad annum seculi nostri sexagesimum quartum decucta ... , Wolfenbüttel 1664. Digitized
  • Historical images, including Idea historiae universalis, a brief summary illustration of the most noble spiritual and secular history through the four monarchies , Lüneburg 1672.
  • Memoriale Institutionum juris , Nissen, Ratzeburg 1672.
  • Picture Bible: in it the books of the Old and New Testaments recently brought into similar pictures through all chapters , Lichtenstein, Hamburg 1680.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See the title of Historical Pictures, therein Idea historiae universalis, a brief summary illustration of the most noble spiritual and secular history through the four monarchies , Lüneburg 1672 or Disputatio Philosophica De Origine Fontium , Rebenlein, Hamburg 1666.
  2. Buno, Johann. In: Jesús Martínez de Bujanda , Marcella Richter: Index des livres interdits: Index librorum prohibitorum 1600–1966. Médiaspaul, Montréal 2002, ISBN 2-89420-522-8 , p. 174 (French, digitized ).