Johann Christoph Paucker

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Johann Christoph Paucker (* 10. February 1736 in Kolberg , Pomerania , † February 15 . Jul / 26. February  1776 greg. In Tallinn ) was a Protestant clergyman.

Life and theology

From 1753 Johann Christoph Paucker studied Protestant theology at the Friedrichs University in Halle . He then went to Estonia as a tutor .

Paucker was ordained in the summer of 1757 . From 1757 he was pastor of the parish of Järva-Jaani (German St. Johannis ) in Järvamaa ( Jerwen ). From 1767 Paucker was assessor of the consistory and vice provost, from 1769 provost of Järvamaa.

Johann Christoph Paucker was involved in the preparations for the printing of the New Testament in 1773 in the North Estonian language.

He was the founder of the first Estonian-speaking church postil . Paucker left the work unfinished because of his early death. At the instigation of the consistory it was supplemented and published in Tallinn in 1779 as Jutlusse ramat (in German " Sermon Book "). The book contains many of his sermons . It was reissued several times until 1867.

Private life

Paucker married Christina Helena Sperbach (1732–1779) in Tallinn in October 1758. The couple had at least three children. Paucker's son-in-law was Johann Friedrich Ignatius (1755-1824), who came from a respected family of theologians.

Johann Christoph Paucker is the progenitor of the Paucker family of pastors and scholars, who had a great influence on the spiritual life in Estonia in the 19th century. Paucker's son Heinrich Johann Paucker (1759–1819) also became a pastor. Johann Christoph Paucker's grandchildren include the clergymen Hugo Richard Paucker (1807–1872) and Heinrich Wilhelm Christoph Paucker (1797–1883), the lawyer and historian Julius von Paucker (1798–1856), the physician Friedrich August Paucker (1801–1837) and the astronomer Magnus Georg Paucker (1787–1855).


  • The Paucker family in Ehstland and Russia 1757–1885. Edited from the family book by HJ Paucker. Reval 1885

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Place of birth according to the given web link uncertain
  2. full title: Jutlusse Ramat, mis sees Pühhapäwade, Pühhade, ja Palwepäwade Jutlussed, Eesti-Ma rahwa öppetusseks on kokkopandud
  4. ^ Johann Friedrich Ignatius in the Estonian language Wikipedia