Johann Christoph Taentzel

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Johann Christoph Taentzel (also: Johann Christoph Täntzel and Johann Christoph Tänzel ; * 1722 in the area around Schwarzburg in Thuringia ; † February 22, 1786 there ) was a German master mason - architect and Elector Braunschweig-Lüneburgischer Hof - master mason .


At the time of the personal union between Great Britain and Hanover, Johann Christoph Taentzel immigrated with his family from Thuringia to the Guelph home countries and settled in the city of Hanover , where he was awarded the title of master mason in 1750.

Tantzel also married in Hanover in 1750. From the marriage on May 16, 1755, the future court stone mason, court mason and councilor mason Johann Georg Täntzel emerged, through whom the Hanoverian progenitor also became the grandfather of the stone mason, court mason and senator Ernst Ludwig Taentzel .

Famous works

Archival material

Archives by and about Johann Christoph Taentzel can be found, for example

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Helmut Knocke : Taentzel, Tän (t) zel and Taentzel, Tän (t) zel, (2) Johann Christoph , in: Stadtlexikon Hannover , p. 616; limited preview in Google Book search
  2. ^ Anna-Franziska von Schweinitz: The sovereign gardens in Schaumburg-Lippe from 1647 to 1918 (= Green Series , Volume 20), Worms: Werner, 1999, ISBN 978-3-88462-161-5 and ISBN 3-88462-161 -0 , p. 138; limited preview in Google Book search
  3. a b Bernd Adam : The mansions water arts , in Marieanne von König (ed.): Herrenhausen: The royal gardens in Hanover . Göttingen 2006. ISBN 978-3-8353-0053-8 , here: Figure 19 (p. 56) and note on p. 282; limited preview in Google Book search
  4. ^ Carl-Hans Hauptmeyer : 1782 , in: Hannover Chronik , p. 103; limited preview in Google Book search
  5. Martin Wörner, Ulrich Hägele, Sabine Kirchhof: Former. Wallmodenschlösschen, Wilhelm Busch Museum In this: Architectural Guide Hanover. Reimer, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-496-01210-2 , p. 57