Johann David Jäncke

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Johann David Jäncke (also Jäncken, Jähncke, Jänke , pseudonym: Idirpus ; born March 9, 1702 in Ravenstein , Western Pomerania ; † June 11, 1752 in Alt Krakow , Western Pomerania) was a German Lutheran theologian and writer.

Jäncke came from a Pomeranian farming family; his father had been a freelance and fiefdom student. After attending school in Reetz and the Collegium Groeningianum in Stargard in Pomerania , Jäncke studied philosophy and theology at the University of Halle , where he was a student of Daniel Strähler , a former student and later opponent of Christian Wolff . Jäncke became a supporter of Strählers and took part in the fight against Wolffianism . He also published under the pseudonym Irdipus . In 1724 he published a treatise on the concerns of the theologian Johann Franz Buddeus against Wolff's philosophical theses, but without first coordinating the content of his work with Buddeus, and thus got into disputes. In 1727 he became vice rector and in 1737 rector at the high school in Köslin . Because of quarrels at his place of work, he gave up this position and followed a call as a deacon of the Protestant parish of the city of Rügenwalde , where he was promoted to archdeacon in 1744 , but was dismissed in 1747 because of contentiousness. Later he was given a pastor's position in Old Krakow, where he lived with a large family and low income in poor conditions until he died at the age of 51.

Jäncke wrote a number of smaller writings theological, philosophical and historical content, u. a. also a treatise on the ancient Pomeranian beliefs. He was a collaborator at Jöchers Schehrten-Lexikon . He had wanted to publish a Pomeranian scholar's story, but only a biography of Johannes Bugenhagen had appeared before his death (Gelehrtes Pommerland, 1734). This Bugenhagen biography was extended by Johann Carl Conrad Oelrichs to include a brief biography of the author and some additions and was reprinted in 1757 after his death. Jäncke passed on the biographies he had collected about scholars in Pomerania to the Jöchersche Schehrten-Lexikon , where they were given the signature 'Jæ.' Marked are. Some of his contributions are incorrect and some historians have also classified them as biased.

Works (selection)

  • Mr. D. Buddei Bedencken on Wolffian philosophy , 1724 ( full text )
  • Scholarly Pomeranian Land, in which the history of all scholars who were bored in Pomerania and of other scholars who have lived or died in Pomerania and who have made themselves known through writings is communicated for the common benefit and pleasure . First Tomus: Theologians learned by those . Alten-Stettin 1734 ( full text ).
  • Extensive and documented life story of Johann Bugenhagen, otherwise also called D. Pommer. With a preface and additions by Johann Carl Conrad Oelrichs . Rostock and Wismar 1757 ( full text ).


  • Julius August Wagenmann:  Jäncke, Johann David . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 13, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1881, p. 697.
  • Jäncken or Jäncke ( Johann David ), in: Johann Gottlob Wilhelm Dunkel , Historisch-Critische Nachrichten von deceased scholars, but especially those who in the very latest edition of Jöcher's general lexicon of scholars either completely passed over with silence, or at least inadequately and incorrectly stated become . Volume 3, Part I, Cörner, Koethen and Dessau 1757, pp. 784-788 ( online ).
  • Iänke ( Johann David ), in: Johann Christoph Adelung , continuation and additions to Christian Gottlieb Jöcher's general learned lexico , Volume 2, Gledit, Leipzig 1787, Sp. 2229-2230 ( online ).


  1. Johann David Jänckens detailed and provided with certificates life story Johann Bugenhagen, otherwise also known as D. Pommer. With a preface and additions by Johann Carl Conrad Oelrichs . Rostock and Wismar 1757, s. Opening credits: Author's curriculum vitae .
  2. Johann Christoph Adelung : Continuation and additions to Christian Gottlieb Jöcher's general learned lexico , Volume 2, Gledit, Leipzig 1787, Sp. 2230, see commentary on learned Pommerland ( online )