Johann Friedrich Goddaeus

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Johann Friedrich Goddaeus , also Goddäus , (born November 7, 1692 in Kassel , † January 29, 1772 ibid) was a Landgrave Hessian administrative officer , most recently Vice Chancellor of the Landgrave's government.


Johann Friedrich was the son of the landgrave's Privy Councilor and Chancellor Nikolaus Wilhelm Goddaeus (1646–1719). On November 3, 1729, he married Katharina Christine Dehn-Rothfelser (around 1705–1782), daughter of the senior chamber councilor Heinrich Dehn-Rothfelser (1657–1725). The marriage had two daughters and five sons. One of them, Friedrich Heinrich Goddäus (1734–1795) was mayor of Kassel from 1781 until his death in 1795 . Another Heinrich Goddaeus (1742-1819) was judge at the top of Appeal in Kassel, was 1812 in the Westphalian or 1814 in the Hessian nobility raised and became the progenitor of the Hessian noble family of Goddaeus.


Johann Friedrich Goddaeus began studying law at the Philipps University in Marburg in 1709 and in 1720 became an assessor in the "French Chancellery" of the landgraves' administration in Kassel, which was responsible for immigrant affairs. He advanced quickly, was already in 1721 archivist , 1726 and 1731 Council Councilor . In 1752 he was appointed Vice Chancellor of the Government and in 1760 he became a Privy Councilor .
