Johann Friedrich Matenesius

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Johann Friedrich Mat (h) enesius (also Matenesus ; * around 1580; † August 24, 1621 in Cologne ) was a German Roman Catholic clergyman , historian and university professor .

Matenesius attended the Jesuit high school in Cologne . He obtained a master’s degree . In the following years he became a full professor of history and the Greek language at Cologne University . The university's theological faculty awarded him a doctorate in theology. He was also a canon and pastor at the collegiate church of St. Kunibert in Cologne. On April 24, 1607 he was appointed Apostolic Pronotary .

When the plague hit the city of Cologne in 1621, Matenesius devoted himself pastoral care to the sick. In this activity he infected himself with the disease and died shortly afterwards from the consequences of the disease. He left behind a large number of writings.

Publications (selection)

  • Libri duo de ritu bibendi super sanitate , Cologne 1611.
  • Syntagma criticum de somno potuque Christianorum somnifero , Cologne 1612.
  • De luxu et abusu vestium nostri temporis discursus , Cologne 1612.
  • Sceptrum regale et imperatorium domus Austriacae , Cologne 1619.
  • De parentela, electione, coronatione Ferdinandi II. In regem Romanorum libri III , Cologne 1621.


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