Johann Georg Bock

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Johann Georg Bock (born May 12, 1698 in Königsberg (Prussia) , † July 7, 1762 there ) was a German literary scholar and poet.


The son of the Königsberg town surgeon Georg Bock († 1729) and his wife Barbara (née Ditter) is the brother of the Königsberg professor Friedrich Samuel Bock .

Johann Georg Bock had received his basic training in Königsberg and had enrolled at the University of Königsberg on September 1, 1714 . Here he completed a basic philosophical course , especially under Johann Valentin Pietsch . At that time he developed a deep friendship with his fellow student Johann Christoph Gottsched . In 1726 he moved to the University of Halle , where in 1727 he acquired the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophical sciences.

After returning to Königsberg, he became a lecturer at the Königsberg University on October 14, 1728, a member of the Berlin Society of Sciences in 1732 and, in the winter semester of 1732, an associate professor of logic and metaphysics. In 1733 he was appointed full professor of poetry. In 1758 he became a member of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg and in the summer semester of 1762 he was elected rector of the Königsberg Alma Mater .

He died during his tenure as rector.

Works (selection)

  • Dissertatio academica prior I & II. Solemnis posterior de pulchritudine carminum. Koenigsberg 1733.
  • The German Aesop, consisting of three hundred and twenty-four instructive fables which were drafted in bound writing and delivered piece by piece as moral weekly papers. Koenigsberg 1743.
  • Jubilee speech at the second jubilee celebration of the Königsberg Academy. Koenigsberg 1744.
  • Poems. Königsberg 1756 (online)
  • Idioticon prussicum; or, draft of a Prussian dictionary. Koenigsberg 1759.


  • Of Mr. Johann Valentin Pietschen ... Bound writings in an enlarged collection brought to light by Johann George Bock. Königsberg 1740. (online)


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