Johann Georg Nathusius

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Johann Georg Nathusius (born March 22, 1722 in Weissack / Niederlausitz , † September 13, 1792 in Dresden ) was a pastor and after Johann Georg Meusel also a "writer". He was the son of Heinrich Wilhelm Nathusius (1670–1737) and his wife Anna Sophie, born. Dieter (* 1684). Nathusius studied in Wittenberg , where he enrolled on October 14, 1741 together with his twin brother Johann Friedrich Nathusius (1722–1757), a later pastor Substitutus. He married a pastor's daughter; the marriage remained childless. From 1749 he worked as a pastor in Sadisdorf not far from Dippoldiswalde ; he worked here for 42 years. In 1791 he moved to Dresden as emeritus and died there in his own house the following year. He was buried in the second Annenkirchhof in Dresden; The grave and cemetery have not been preserved.


  • Dissertationem philologico exegeticam de gloriosa Christi exinaniti clarificatione ad locum Matth. XVII 1–9 illustrandum praeside Christiano Sigismundo Georgio ... defendet Joannes Georgius Nathusius, Typis Io. Frider. Schlomachi, 1744
  • Beatis Manibus Viri Sum Venerabilis, Magnifici, Amplissimi, Excellentissimi, Doctissimi Domini Valentini Ernesti Loescheri, Ss. Theologiae Doctoris Consummati ... Pios Threnos Suos Sacrat, Kraus, 1749
  • Thoughts on the history of the Greeks: Joh. 12, 20–50 in the connection of the holy evangelists , who ... at the funeral of the corpse of ... Johann Daniel Glößens .... after the same on October 19, 1771, blessed in Christ asleep ... , Dresden, 1771, 4
  • Sadisdorf parish history , 1774, 4
  • Latin poems

References and comments

  1. according to Martin Nathusius, Nathusius ... s.LitVerz., P. 60. On the other hand, Meusel ( Lexikon der ..., s. LitVerz.) Names Weißig / Niederlausitz as the place of birth, probably meaning Weißig am Raschütz
  2. according to Johann Georg Meusel, Lexicon of the German writers who died between 1750-1800 , s. LitVerz., P. 19
  3. ^ Representative of an ordinary pastor

Literature / sources

  • Johann Christoph Adelung (Vol. 1–2), Heinrich Wilhelm Rotermund (Vol. 3–6), Otto Günther (Vol. 7), General Scholar Lexicon, continuation and additions to Christian Gottlieb Jöcher's general Scholar Lexico, in which the writers of all estates are described according to their most elegant living conditions and writings , 7 volumes, Gleditsch et al., Leipzig et al. 1784-1897
  • Johann Georg Meusel, Lexicon of the German writers who died between 1750 and 1800 , 15 volumes, Fleischer, Leipzig 1802–1815
  • Martin Nathusius, Nathusius. A journey of discovery through 450 years of family history (1548–1997), Saint-Sulpice 1997
  • GS Rötger (Ed.), Nekrolog für Freunde deutscher Literatur , 1791–1794, 4 volumes, Fleckenstein, Helmstedt 1796–1799
  • Friedrich August Weiz , The learned Saxony, or directory of those in the Churfürstl. Saxon. and incorporated writers and their writings now living in countries , Schneider, Leipzig 1780, p. 174 f.