Johann Georg Nussbaumer

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Johann Georg Nussbaumer (born December 31, 1794 in Dobrichan near Saaz , Bohemia; † January 24, 1854 in Plaß , West Bohemia) was a chief forest master of Prince Klemens Wenzel Lothar von Metternich .


As a graduate of the high school in Jitschin , Nussbaumer studied at the polytechnic institute in Prague and was sworn in as a Bohemian surveyor in 1818. In 1820 he worked as a chief forester in the Czernin rule Adersbach in north-east Bohemia and in 1825 in the Dymokur rule . After 1836 first forest master , then head forest master of Prince Metternich's domain Plaß ( Plasy ) and Königswart in western Bohemia with recognized forestry activities in forestry cultivation and thinning. Johann Georg Nussbaumer had the oak and linden avenues planted in Plaß (Plasy) and in the vicinity of the place.

Nussbaumer was a founding member of the Bohemian Forest Association, founder of a support association for forest workers , member of the Imperial and Royal Patriotic-Economic Society in Prague and founder of the forest school in Plaß, which existed from 1828 to 1834. He dealt with the harmful occurrence of the bark beetle in the stately forests. Nussbaumer was the author of specialist treatises and the textbook "Popular Share to Biermanns Kulturverfahren", published in 1854, and vice-president of the Bohemian Forest Association.

Works (selection)

  • Brouillon-Charte over the Gröninger Benzenhard and Dünkbühler Wald (1817)
  • Lordship of Groningen. Brouillon-Charte over the Weegstädter or Rappenkohlwald (1817)


Johann Georg Nussbaumer was a son of Anton Nussbaumer (* 1759, † Plaß on May 11, 1832), director of the Dymokur estate, and his wife Josephine, née Tetschner, († after 1830), daughter of a brewer in Smetschna near Schlan ( Slaný ) in Bohemia . Georg Nussbaumer was married to Charitas Theresia Barbara Ebenhöch (born October 18, 1797 in Prague, parish Sankt Niklas), daughter of Joseph Wenzeslaus Ebenhöch (born 1747) registrar in the kk Gubernium Prague. The married couple Johann Georg Nussbaumer and Charitas, née Ebenhöch, had seven children, five sons and two daughters. Two of the sons died of scarlet fever as children in Plaß. The children are known: Charitas Josefine Nussbaumer (born December 9, 1830 in Plaß), Wilhelm Nußbaumer, (born December 27, 1836 in Plaß), Anton Nussbaumer, († after 1907) in Eger ( Cheb ), Mathilde Nussbaumer, married with a Dr. Zimmer and Karl Nussbaumer.


  • J. Nozicka: Prehled vyvoja nasich lesu, Prague SZN, 1957.
  • Rudolf Stolarik: Historical research on the forests of the forest enterprise Plaß, 1971, from the Forest Management Institute of Czechoslovakia , Brandys nad Labem, page 7-17, in the Czech language
  • The attentive forester, IV, 1. Pages 72–73.
  • New writings of the Imperial and Royal Economic-Patriotic Society of the Kingdom of Bohemia, II / 1, page 210; II / 2, 1929.
  • Richard Hess: Life pictures of outstanding forest men and mathematicians, natural scientists and economists who have earned their merit in forestry, 1885, page 256 f.
  • Monthly for the Württemberg Forestry 7, 1856, page 152.
  • Association for Forest, Hunting and Natural History, 1854, page 83.
  • Biographical Lexicon for the History of the Bohemian Countries, Volume III, edited by Ferdinand Seibt , Hans Lemberg and Helmut Slapnicka on behalf of the Collegium Carolinum , Research Center for the History of the Bohemian Countries, page 80, Oldenbourg Verlag Munich 2000. ISBN 3-486-55973- 7th
  • Standard sequence Ebenhöch , Ebenhöh , Ebenhoch high level of Hohenfels in the Upper Palatinate, German sex book band 172 (45.Allgemeines band) CA strong publishing Limburg an der Lahn, 1975, page 251 and 252nd

Individual evidence

  1. Monthly for the Württemberg forestry, Cotta publishing house, 1856, page 152 [1]
  2. AnzeigeKlassi= 010.001