Johann Gottfried Weller

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Johann Gottfried Weller (born September 5, 1712 in Lauenhain ; † November 12, 1780 in Zwickau ) was a German Protestant clergyman and historian.


Johann Gottfried Weller was born as the son of the pastor in Lauenhain.

He attended the Latin school in Zwickau in 1724 and studied theology at the University of Leipzig from 1731 to 1735 .

In 1739 he became his father's substitute . In 1744 he was appointed deacon and in 1748 protodeacon of the Church of St. Katharinen in Zwickau. In 1749 he became a deacon at St. Mary's Church and in 1760 became superintendent in Penig . In 1763 he returned to Zwickau in the same office and worked until his death. On the occasion of his death, he was the last to be buried in St. Mary's Church.

He carried out historical research and published, in addition to some sermons and theological works, some writings.

Johann Gottfried Weller was married. His daughter Christiane Brigitte was married to the clergyman Johann Friedrich Rehkopf .

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Web links

Author: Weller Johann Gottfried . In: Institute for Saxon History and Folklore (Ed.): Saxon Biography .