Johann Gottlieb Horwein

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Johann Gottlieb Horwein (also with Latinized form of the first name: Johann Theophilus Horwein ; * February 4, 1709 in Wittenberg , † 1770 in Dahme / Mark ) was a German Lutheran theologian.


Johann Gottlieb Horwein, born as the son of the teacher at the Wittenberg city school Johann Horwein, enrolled free of charge at the University of Wittenberg on January 21, 1723 . On April 30, 1729, he acquired the academic degree of Magister in Philosophy at the Wittenberg University and, after receiving permission to read for universities on October 18, 1730 as Magister Legens, he was able to hold private lectures.

He completed a degree in theology, became a deacon in Seyda in 1739 , pastor in Lüsse , Neschholz and Kuhlowitz in 1742 and first pastor and superintendent in Dahme in 1748 . As such, he once frequented the Wittenberg University, where he developed the on September 24, 1755 Licentiate acquired theology and on 25 September 1755 Doctor received his doctorate in theology. Horwein created 33 sacred songs for the Dahme hymn book, which he published in Wittenberg.

Selection of works

  • Diss. De partu Hebraeorum et speciatim de corona boni nomnis. Wittenberg 1730
  • Comment. de prima mapna Societate Augustana. Wittenberg
  • Vestigia divina, the divine footsteps; a sermon etc. Wittenberg 1752
  • Diss. (Praes. Weickhmanno) de vaticiniis iu genre et de vaticiaiis Lutheri memorabilibus in specie. Wittenberg 1755
  • De pietate Josephi in Jacobum parentem senio confectum ad Gen. XLVII: 29-31. Wittenberg 1759
