Johann Heinrich Grischow

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Johann Heinrich Grischow (* 1678 in Osterode am Fallstein ; † November 6, 1754 in Halle (Saale) ) was a German theologian and translator of theological works.


From 1699 Johann Heinrich Grischow studied theology at the University of Halle . August Hermann Francke was one of his teachers . After completing his studies, he came in 1710 as an inspector at the just of Baron von Canstein founded Bibelanstalt the orphanage in Halle. The theologian, who is well versed in languages, successfully managed the young and budding institution from 1712 until his death. Under his special supervision, the following were printed in the office : in 1721 a house and church book in Estonian , in 1722 a Bohemian (Slavonian) and a Polish Bible , and also a Bible in Russian . For a time Grischow was also the inspector for keeping the students' bills at the Latin school.


Grischow has particularly emerged as a translator of theological writings. He translated the following writings from German into Latin:

  • from Philipp Jacob Spener :
    • Liber de natura et gratia , Frankfurt 1715
  • from August Hermann Francke :
    • Idea studiosi theologiae et monita pastoralia , Halle 1723
    • Christ S. Scripturae nucleus , Hall 1724
    • De gratia et veritate , Hall 1733
    • Epistola ad amicum de ratione concionandi or of confidential preaching , Halle 1739
  • from Johann Anastasius Freylinghausen :
    • Fundamenta theologiae christianae , Halle 1734
    • Compendium universae doctrinae christianae , Halle 1734
    • Commentat. passionis et mortis Jesu Christi , Halle 1734
  • from Johann Daniel Herrnschmidt :
    • Vita D. Martini , Halle 1742
    • Magna praerogativa ecclesiae evangel. prae romano-catholica , Halle 1742
  • from Johann Liborius Zimmermann :
    • Commentatio de eminentia cognitionis Jesu Christi , Halle 1749

He translated from English into Latin:

  • from Joseph Bingham :
    • Origenes sive antiquitates ecclesiasticae , 10 volumes, Hall 1724–29
    • Dissertationes IV in origines eccles. Acced., Ad supplenda auctoris, quae exstant, opera, sermo de misericordia Dei erga peccatores resipiscentes , Halle 1738

He translated from English into German:

  • from Thomas Green:
    • Reflections on the Last Four Things , Halle 1736
  • from Isaac Watts :
    • Atonement of Christ , Halle 1737

He translated from Latin into German:

Grischow also wrote a Greek grammar for use in the schools of the Francke Foundations under the title: Grammatica graeca Hallensis (Halle 1740). As an independent work he published: Directory of the known authors of the songs, so in both parts of the Freylinghausian hymn book in oblong 12th are located (Halle 1738). Only a few copies of this edition have been printed. The work therefore appeared again later in bookstores under the title Kurzgefichte Message from older and newer songwriters. Initially issued in print by JH Grischow, but improved and more frequently published by JG Kirchner, Archi-Diaconus zu Halle (Halle 1771).
