Johann Heinrich Reinecke

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Johann Heinrich Reinecke (* 1755 in Kröpelin ; † August 13, 1839 in Grevesmühlen ) was a German lawyer.


Johann Heinrich Reinecke attended high school in Rostock and from November 1772 studied law at the Friedrichs-Universität Bützow with Nikolaus Georg Bernhard von Löwenstern , Johann Christian von Quistorp , Johann Matthias Martini , Eobald Toze and Samuel Simon Witte . In 1781 he became a lawyer at the municipal high court in Rostock and married Sophie Kosegarten (1755–1806), the sister of Ludwig Gotthard Kosegarten . In 1796 he was appointed chivalrous secretary to Grevesmühlen and a year later he was also recognized as a notary at the Schwerin law firm.

Johann Heinrich Reinecke published in the monthly magazines of and for Mecklenburg (Schwerin 1788–1791) under the abbreviation "R".



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