Johann Heinrich Rumpel

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Johann Heinrich Rumpel (born March 26, 1650 in Schmalkalden , † August 28, 1699 in Salzungen ) was a German poet and pastor.

After studying in Leipzig , where he obtained the title of Magister in 1672 , Rumpel was first subconstructor from 1674, from 1691 rector at the Illustre grammar school in Gotha , from 1693 pastor and superintendent in Salzungen.


  • Diss. Pneumatica de Spiritibus in fodinis apparentibus, sive, de Virunculis metallicis , Leipzig, 1677 (translated as a curious treatise of which spirits appear in mines or so-called mountain men ). In: Deliciarum Manipulus , Dresden and Leipzig 1702 ( online  - Internet Archive )


  • Jacob Reichart: Davidischer Hertzen Best Lust / Bey of the very sad and popular Sepultur Des ... Joh. Heinrici Rumpelii, well-merited pastor and superintendent in Saltzungen /: From the other and third verse of the First Psalm. Explained and presented in the city-churches of Daselbsten / Was the 22nd day of August, this now running 1699th year ... Meiningen: Hassert, 1699
  • Johann Elias Reichardt : Aeternaturae Memoriae Johannis Heinrici Rumpelii, Praesulis ecclesiae, quae Salzungae est, hucusque fidelisssimi, & antehac Professoris in Illustri Gymnasio Gothano meritissimi, d. August 28, MDCXCIX. in servatore suo obdormientis ... [Gotha]: Litteris Reyherianis, 1699
  • DBA I 1067,335-339

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