Johann Justus Oldecop

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Johann Justus Oldecop (also: Johann Justus Oldekop ; also Oldecopp ; born June 16, 1635 in Hildesheim ; died March 20, 1685 in Nienburg an der Weser ) was a German high school teacher , theologian , superintendent and author .


Johann Justus Oldecop is a descendant of the old Lower Saxon family Oldekop, which can be traced back to around 1380. He was the son of Magister Henricus Oldecop, who had a total of 5 daughters and 5 sons. As a teenager he first received private lessons from his father and attended the Hildesheim city school Andreaneum , which was run by his uncle Henning Oldecop . From 1651 he was a student first at the grammar school in Halle , and in 1652 at the Ernestinum in Celle . From 1653 to 1659 he studied theology and philology at the universities in Leipzig and Helmstedt , but temporarily left the city of Helmstedt in 1657 due to the rampant plague there . He then visited several cities on the Rhine and in Upper Saxony and returned to Helmstedt University via Leipzig after the end of the plague.

On May 6, 1659 Oldecop stepped in Lueneburg the place of the pastor adjunctus "the ministerii" at the St. Michael's Church and became a teacher at the Luneburg knights school for nobles, which was converted into a public high school on August 31, 1660; at the Michaelis School in Lüneburg he now worked as a high school professor for philology and rhetoric . In addition, he continued to work in his ministry.

Also in Lüneburg, Oldecop married Anna Magdalena Dammann (born 1636 in Lüne, died after 1686), widow of the councilor and judge Piepenburg, on February 23, 1663. Soon afterwards the son Friedrich Heinrich Oldekop was born, who later also studied theology in Kiel and Helmstedt. In total, the couple had a daughter and two sons.

On the fourth Advent , December 18, 1667, Oldecop gave his farewell speech in Lüneburg. In the same year he took up the position of superintendent of the aristocratic town Ebstorf . In 1670 he went to Hanover , where he held the post of pastor primarius at the Aegidienkirche until 1674 . But the task turned out to be difficult, as there was a strong Catholic counter-movement under the converted Duke Johann Friedrich .

On August 19, 1674, Oldecop gave his inaugural sermon as pastor primarius in Nienburg an der Weser, and worked from 1674 until his death as superintendent in the Lower County of Hoya. The person known as “D.”, a doctor of theology, was the author of several “theological programmata, Orationes Panegyricae [eulogies] and Carmina”.

On the day of his burial on March 30, 1685 in Nienburg, the Nienburg city preacher and superintendent Johann Georg Steigerthal gave the funeral sermon , which was later evaluated biographically.


  • De agapis in illustri Iulia sub patrocinio Dn. Iohannis Hilperti S. Theologiæ doctorandi, et hactenus in academia Iulia ebrææ linguæ professoris ordinarii, nunc vero ecclesiæ hildesheimensis superintendentis designati, domini, præceptoris atque convictoris sui ... ad diem 4. mensis octobris publicees respondebus aecuctens. MHF , Helmestadii: typis Henningi Mulleri Acad. typographical, 1656
  • Johannis Justi Oldekops von Hildesheim Two devotions From the Bloody Sweat of Jesus Christ / With special notes and discourses Helmstädt: Johann Justus Oldekop, 1658
  • Johannis Iusti Oldecopii In ill. Gymn: Lyneburgensi Professoris Philologiae ... Epistola ad Virum Iuvenem Clarissimum & Perquam Eximium Johannem Ernestum Schraderum: cum is ad VI. Calend. Quintilis anno ... MDCLXII. raro exemplo ab optimo Parente suo ... Dn. Christophoro Schradero ... in laudatissima Helmstadiensi Academia Optimarum artium Magister & Philosophiae Doctor esset renunciandus; [Dedi Lyneburgo e collegio Equestri, ipso die meo natali, XVI Iunii, anno MDCLXII.] : Lyneburgi: Typis Sterniorum, 1662; Digitized version of the Göttingen State and University Library
  • De Reverend. Sereniss. & Celsiss. Principis & Domini, Dn. Christiani Alberti Episcopi Lubecensis electi ... In Condenda Chiloniensi Academia Glorioso Instituto Exercitatio Johannis Justi Oldecopii ... Orationi publicae ... Johannis Hilmari Zindelii ... ad diem XV. mensis Septembris memoriter est recitaturus, Praemissa , Luneburgius: Typis Sterniorum, 1665; Digitized version of the University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt


  • Johann Georg Steigerthal : Castrum Doloris, or Lezte Ehren-Pforte / Into which the righteous enter after their death / through many tribulations /: Shown from the CXVIII. Psalm v. 17. - 20. ... Bey the ... Sepultur des ... Herr / Johannis Iusti Oldecopii, The Nieder-Graffschaff Hoya ... Superintend. and Pastoris Primarii in the city of Nienburg an der Weser / By Johanne Georgio Steigerthal, city preacher and subsequently superintendent, The Monday after Lätare / was the 30th March. In the year of Christ 1685 , therein
    • Epicedia In honorem ultimum Venerandi Domini Superintendentis Johannis Iusti Oldecopii exarata a Fautoribus summis & Amicis optimis. [2] In obitum Viri Plurimum Reverendi longeque Doctißimi Dn. Johannis Justi Oldecopii Superintendentis in Ducatu Lüneburgico Comitatus inferioris Hoiensis, nec non Pastoris Primarii Ecclesiae Nienburgensis optime meriti Declarata Pietas Bertrami Oldecopii, ad Lectorem candidum & benevolum , Minden: Johann Piler, 1686; Digitized version of the Göttingen State and University Library

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Johann Heinrich Zedler : Oldecop (Johann Justus) , in ders .: Large complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts ... , Volume 25: O , Leipzig; Hall: Johann Heinrich Zedler, 1840, column 1125; Digitized via Google books
  2. a b Rünno Vissak, Ain Mäesalu (ed. :): The Medieval Town in the Baltic: Hanseatic History and Archeology. Proceedings of the First & Second Seminar, Tartu, Estonia, 6th - 7th June 1997 and 26th - 27th June 1998 , conference paper, with contributions partly in German, partly in English, Tartu: [sn], 1999, p. 15; limited preview in Google Book search
  3. a b c d e f g h i j Johann Justus Oldecop (Oldecopp; Oldekop) , in: Lower Saxony gender book (= German gender book. Genealogical handbook of civil families , Volume 180 (1979), p. 392; limited preview in Google Book search)
  4. a b Friedrich Thomä: Johann Just Oldekop 1635–1685 , in ders .: History of the Oldekop and Thomae family , Lüdenscheid 1955, p. 7 and others; as a PDF document from by Christoph Gäbler
  5. ^ > Johann Gottlob Wilhelm Dunkel : Historical-critical news from deceased scholars and their writings ... , Volume 3 (new print Georg Olms, 1968), p. 1037; limited preview in Google Book search