Johann Karl Egli

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Johann Karl Egli (born September 29, 1891 in Vienna ; † October 3, 1975 ibid) was an Austrian Evangelical Reformed theologian . He was regional superintendent of the Evangelical Church HB in Austria and university professor for dogmatics HB at the University of Vienna .


Johann Karl Egli graduated from high school in 1910 and then studied Protestant theology at the University of Vienna , the University of Basel and the University of Leipzig . He was the kuk Feldkurat in the reserve. From 1915 to 1924 he worked as vicar for Friedrich Otto Schack . Egli was pastor of the Zwinglikirche from 1924 to 1926 and pastor of the Reformed City Church in Vienna from 1926 to 1952 . He married Elfriede Zwernemann, the daughter of Superintendent Gustav Zwernemann . Egli was elected as the successor to Gustav Zwernemann as superintendent of the Evangelical Church HB in Austria in 1947 (from 1949 with the title of state superintendent). He held this office until 1952. His successor was Hermann Noltensmeier .

Egli, who had published his theological dissertation in 1950 , was appointed to the Chair of Dogmatics HB at the Evangelical Theological Faculty of the University of Vienna in 1952 as the successor to Josef Bohatec . He was dean of the faculty in 1954/1955 and 1960/1961 . He retired in 1962. His successor to the chair from 1964 was Kurt Lüthi .

Egli's grave at Vienna's central cemetery

Johann Karl Egli died after a serious illness. He was buried in the Evangelical Cemetery at Vienna's Central Cemetery .


Johann Karl Egli founded the Reformed Church Gazette in 1924 , of which he was editor-in-chief until 1946. In his dissertation he dealt with Jean-Jacques Rousseau from a theological point of view. Further research foci were canon law according to Rudolph Sohm and the reformed confessional documents . Egli gave lectures on the history of religion and phenomenology of religion , canon law, the theology of Calvin and Schleiermacher , the history of dogma and ethics .


See also


  • Peter Karner : Johann Karl Egli - sermons, articles, lectures . Vienna Sermons No. 4, Oberkirchenrat HB, Vienna 1976.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Peter Karner : Reformed pastors and teachers . In: Peter Karner (Hrsg.): The evangelical community HB in Vienna . Deuticke, Vienna 1986, ISBN 3-7005-4579-7 , p. 143.
  2. ^ Ceremonial handover of valuable church records . ÖStA website , accessed on September 7, 2012.
  3. Peter Karner: The reformed chair of the Protestant theological faculty in Vienna . In: Peter Karner (Hrsg.): The evangelical community HB in Vienna . Deuticke, Vienna 1986, ISBN 3-7005-4579-7 , p. 178.
  4. Peter Karner: The reformed chair of the Protestant theological faculty in Vienna . In: Peter Karner (Hrsg.): The evangelical community HB in Vienna . Deuticke, Vienna 1986, ISBN 3-7005-4579-7 , p. 185.