Johann Karl Volborth

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Heinrich Schwenterley : Portrait of Joh.Carl Volborth (1791)

Johann Karl Volborth (born November 24, 1748 in Nordhausen ; † August 29, 1796 in Gifhorn ) was a German Lutheran theologian .


He received his first education, especially in the ancient languages , in his hometown of Nordhausen. The family relationships are documented in several occasional writings on the occasion of the second marriage of his father Erich Philipp Volborth in 1753 in Stolberg . In 1768 he was enrolled at the University of Göttingen , where he studied theology and philosophy and especially read the Greek and Latin classics of antiquity. 1772 he became a steward place in Hanover, went to Göttingen in 1776, where he carried his defense Inauguraldissertation de Olympo, Thessaliae monte, Deorum sede the master's degree earned.

The next year he was a repetiteur at the theological faculty and in 1778 a preacher at the Nikolaikirche in Göttingen . After 1786 extraordinary professor had become of theology, he received his doctorate in 1791 with the issue of de animi suspicacis natura, fontibus, effectibus et indignitate, respectu inprimis ad doctrinam christianam habito the doctor of theology . In 1792 he went to the St. Nicolai Church in Gifhorn, Lüneburg, as superintendent ; he held this office until his death.


Volborth adhered strictly to the orthodox Lutheran doctrinal term of the Protestant Church , as it emerges particularly from his work Vindiciis orthodoxiae a saeculi nostri criminationibus , published in 1786 . His works show a thorough theological and philological knowledge. It became popular among scholars through a new edition of Gotthilf Traugott Zachariae's paraphrased explanation of the letters to the Corinthians, accompanied by theological-philological notes, and through the continuation of the biblical theology published by that scholar . He accompanied his translations of the twelve little prophets (1783), Ezekiel (1787), Daniel (1788) and Jeremias (1795) with short notes for unstudied readers.

For elementary instruction he wrote a compendium on Christian antiquity in 1789 and a similar textbook on theological polemics in 1790 . The results of his linguistic research can be found in his new philological library , published in four volumes from 1777 to 1778. He had this collection followed by a three-volume Bibliotheca philologica and a two-volume Nova Bibliotheca philologica et critica in 1779 . As a pulpit speaker he appeared in his "Christian sermons on the evangelical texts" published in 1791 and in the " epistolic sermons ... ". He also added several casual sermons to the latter collection .


  • In obitum Munchhusii Ode, nomine Seminarii philol.reg. Goettingen 1770
  • Elogium JC Hakii, Rectoris nuper Nordhusani. Frankenhausen 1772
  • Ode to the king on birthdays. Hanover 1772
  • Diss, inaug. dø Olympo, Thessaliae monte, Deorum sede. Goettingen 1776
  • Praise to L. Rhodemann, a lecture in the Königl. German Society in Göttingen when admitted to the same held March 16, 1776. Göttingen 1776
  • Nova Chresiomathia tragica graeco-latina. Goettingen 1776
  • About the inner clarity of the Christian religion, from the English. Goettingen 1776
  • Progr. Super fructu, quem interpres Homeri et Virgilii lectione capere possit. Goettingen 1777
  • Praise to M. Neander; a lecture in the Königl. German Society held in Göttingen on September 14, 1776, and accompanied by historical supplements. Goettingen 1776
  • Chrestomathia comica graeco-latina. Goettingen 1776
  • Progr. Academiae Latinae publice apertae descriptio. Goettingen 1776
  • Latin cantata, which was performed in Strasbourg in 1777 at the funeral of Count Moritz von Sachsen. . . 1777
  • The poem that the Lutherans in Duderstadt presented to the Elector of Mainz who were present there to ask him to build a church. . . . 1777
  • New philological library. Leipzig 1777–1781 4th vol.
  • Bibliotheca philologica. Leipzig 1779–1781, 3rd vol.
  • Commentatio theologico-exegetica de sacrificio farreo Hebraeorum, cum similibus aliarum gentium ritibus comparato. Goettingen 1780
  • Nova Bibliotheca philologica et critica. Fasc. I et II. Göttingen 1782–1783
  • The twelve little prophets, translated again from the Hebrew, and accompanied with brief notes for the unstudied reader. Goettingen 1783
  • DGT Zachariä parahrastic explanation of the two letters to the Corinthians. 1. Part Göttingen 1784, 2. Part Göttingen 1785, online in the Google book search
  • Vindiciae orthodoxiae a saeculi nostri criminationibus. Goettingen 1785
  • Progr. De censu Quirini ad Luc. 2, 1. 2. Göttingen 1785
  • Christian sermons. Goettingen 1786
  • Progr. Interpretatio locorum Johannis; in quibus Spiritus Sanctus. . . vocatur. Goettingen 1786
  • Zachariae Biblical Theology. 1st chapter. 3rd edition increased by him. Göttingen and Leipzig 1786. (He worked out the fifth part of this work after Zachariae's death and thus completed the work)
  • Sermon of God's gracious and benevolent oversight of the high school at Gottingen. Goettingen 1787
  • Declaration by the Prophet Hoseas. 1st division. Göttingen 1787, online in the Google book search
  • Ezekiel, translated anew from the Hebrew and accompanied with brief notes for unstudied readers. Goettingen 1787
  • Daniel, translated again from the Hebrew-Chaldean, and accompanied with short notes for unstudied readers and non-theologians. Hanover 1788
  • Progr. In quo inquiritur in causis, cur Josephus caedem puerorum Bethlehemiticorum Matth. 2, 16, narratam, silentio praeterierit. Goettingen 1788
  • Primae Lineae Grammaticae Hebraeae in usum tironum ductae. Goettingen 1788
  • New collection of sermons. Gotha 1789
  • Primae Lineae Antiquitatis Christianae, in usum tironum ductae. Goettingen 1789
  • Primae Lineae theplogiae historico-polemicae, in usum tironum ductae. Goettingen 1790
  • Progr. De discipulis Christi per gradus ad dignitatem et potentiam Apostolicam evectis. Goettingen 1790
  • Christian sermons on the Evangelical texts on all Sundays and feast days, also on the texts on public days of penance throughout the year. With an appendix of five sermons. Göttingen 1791, online in the Google book search
  • Diss. Inaug. de animi suspicacis natura, fontibus, effectibus et indignitate, respectu imprimis ad doctrinam Christianam habito. Goettingen 1791
  • Progr. Spicilegium observationum post viros doctos in veterum de Campo Elyseo seu de Insulis beatorum sententias. Goettingen 1791
  • Super vario coronae sacerdotalis apud ecclesiasticos antiquos scriptores usu et significatu, pauca disputat simulque viris summe ac plurimum venerandis Ministerii eccleliastici Goettingensis membris, collegis et amicis conjurictissimis Vale dicit. Goettingen 1792
  • Accountability of a Christian teacher to his community; a farewell sermon. Goettingen 1792
  • Christian sermons on the epistolic texts of all Sundays and feast days, also on texts on the public days of penance and prayer, together with an appendix of eleven sermons and speeches, which are on extraordinary occasions. Goettingen 1793
  • Epistola pastoralis ad Clerum Dioeceseos Gifhorniensis maiorem, in qua, quantum Theologi intersit, nosse penitius Homerum, paucis disputatur. Goettingen 1793
  • Jeremias, translated again from the Hebrew, and with short notes for unstudied readers or those who are not theologians. Celle 1795


Individual evidence

  1. The father was a merchant in Nordhausen and was the author of Freye's thoughts on essence, antiquity and the use of action , 1749