Johann Konrad Schwarz

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Johann Conrad Schwarz (also: Schwartz ; * 1676 in Coburg ; † June 3, 1747 ibid) was a German educator and Protestant theologian.


The son of the Coburg citizen Georg Schwarz and his wife Magarethe geb. Goldsmith came from a humble background. After attending the city school and education in his hometown, Schwarz studied theology at the University of Jena from 1696 . Here were Johann Andreas Danz (1654–1727) in the oriental languages, Georg Schubart (1650–1701) in philosophy, Johann Paul Hebenstreit (1664–1718), Georg Albrecht Hamberger (1652–1716), Johann Jakob Müller (1650–1716) ) and Johann Philipp Treuner (1666–1722) his teachers. He attended theological lectures with Friedemann Bechmann (1628–1703), Valentin Veltheim (1645–1700) and Johann Franz Buddeus .

Following Buddeus, he switched to the University of Halle . In Halle he studied the Ethiopian language with Johann Heinrich Michaelis , and he attended lectures on canon law by Christian Thomasius . After he had disputed a few times under Buddeus in Halle, he switched to further training in 1703 at the University of Leipzig . Here, among others, Johannes Olearius , Johann Schmid , Thomas Ittig and Gottlob Friedrich Seligmann were his teachers, who trained him in the exegesis of the New Testament and in Christian ethics.

Soon he decided to go on an educational trip through Lower Saxony, Westphalia and to Dutch universities, where he made acquaintance with the important scholars of that time. He returned in 1706 as an associate professor of the Latin language at the Casimirianum grammar school in Coburg, then a full professor of poetry and in 1713 professor of rhetoric and Greek. After he had obtained a licentiate in theology, he became professor of theology, logic and oriental languages ​​in Coburg in 1732, rector of the grammar school and received his doctorate in theology at the University of Altdorf . In the last years of his life he became blind, so that an adjunct supported him in his duties.


From his marriage to Rosina Catharina, the daughter of the Coburg tax collector Michael Hapach, two daughters and a son are known. From the children we know:

  • Johann Conrad Schwarz became a theologian
  • Eva Barbara Schwarz, married to the Commissioner Göbel in Hildburghausen
  • Helena Maria Schwarz

Selection of works

  • Tentaminis de plagio litterario Dissertation I. Hall 1701.
  • Diss. De vaticinio Usserii de Cromwellio. Hall 1702.
  • Liber unus de plagio litterario, cum praefatione JF Bnddei. Leipzig 1706.
  • Demonstrationes Dei, quem ratio docet et Scriptura Sacra. Hilpertshausen 1708.
  • Horatii Tursellini liber de particulis Latinae linguae, olim recognitus a Jo. Thomasio. Editio II Leipzig 1709; Editio III Leipzig, 1734.
  • Epistola ad GG de Leibnitz, novam designationam veteris Helvetiae finium longius, cquam vulgo solet, protraheadorum, complexa. Coburg 1710.
  • Epistola ad illustrem Dn. Zollmannum de corruptis quibusdam et obscuris Cornelii Taciti locis. Coburg 171
  • Notae in Siculum Flaccum, quae Goesianarum et Rigaltianarum supplementum sint. Coburg 1711.
  • De Mohammedis furto Scripturae Sacrae liber unus. Leipzig 1711.
  • Progr. De illustrando poliendoque Palladio; rei rusticaa scriptore. Coburg 1713.
  • Diss. III de Necromantia mulierculae Endorioae. Coburg 1713-1714
  • Diss. Inaug. de usu et praestantia Daemonum ad demonstrandam naturam Dei. Altdorf 1715.
  • Miscellanea philologica et theologica. Coburg 1715.
  • Carmina et fragmenta carminum familiae Caesareae he Caesaris germanici, quae exstant, Opera omnia, cum Latins, tram Graece, com comntentariis integris virorum doctorum. Altdorf 1715.
  • Diss. De recondita Epicuri Theologia. Pars I et II. Altdorf 1718.
  • Diss, de Democriti Theologia. Altdorf 1719.
  • Monumenta ingeniorum hujus et suparioria saeculi Tom. I-IV. Altdorf 1719-1729
  • Yo. Olearii liber de * stylo Novi Testamenti, animadversionibus et notis illuitratus, cum JH Boecleri Diss. De lingua Novi Testamenti originali. Altdorf 1721.
  • Nova et accuratior explicatio nemeseon quarundam a Montseauconio collectarum. Altdorf 1727.
  • De Soloecismis discipulorum Jesu Christi opinatis. Altdorf 1780.
  • Chr. Cellarii notitia orbis antiqui s. Geographia plenior. Alteram hanc editionem, annotationibus varii generis partim e scriptis veterum partim e recentiorum observationibus illustravit. Tom. I et II. Leipzig 1731-1732
  • Grammatica latina. Coburg 1732.
  • Progr. De fide divina adversus Jo. Clericum. Coburg 1732.
  • Progr. VI. adversus Jo. Tillotsortii orationem XLVIII de divinis rationibus salvandi generis humani per Christum humana natura induendum. Coburg 1733.
  • Progr. IV de naevis Grammaticarum quarundam Hebraitarum. Coburg 1734.
  • Progr. De Crethaeis et Plethaeis. Coburg 1735.
  • Commentarii critici et pbilologici linguae graecae Novi Foeteris divini. Leipzig 1736.
  • Progr. IV de oculo, morum magistro. Coburg 1738.
  • Theophrasti characteres morum; cum nova versione latina, meditis A. Buchneri notis, supplementis, item varr. lecit. MSS. et commentationibus suis. Coburg 1789.
