Johann Paul Hebenstreit

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Johann Paul Hebenstreit

Johann Paul Hebenstreit (born June 25, 1664 in Neustadt an der Orla ; † May 6, 1718 in Erfurt ) was a German moral philosopher and Lutheran theologian .


Johann Paul Hebenstreit's parents were the then headmaster of the school in Neustadt an der Orla and the later pastor in Neuenhofen Johannes Hebenstreit (born June 22, 1626 in Neustadt an der Orla; † May 26, 1682 in Neuenhofen) and his wife Regina Stemler († August 4, 1711 in Neustadt an der Orla), daughter of the archdeacon in Neustadt an der Orla David Stemler (* 1594 in Neustadt an der Orla; † January 6, 1659 ibid.) And his wife Catharina Schuckel, who was married on November 18, 1623 ( born January 13, 1604 in Arnstadt; established May 31, 1654 in Neustadt an der Orla).

First he went to the school in his hometown, then to the Rutheneum high school in Gera and the Illustre high school in Gotha. On June 18, 1679 he enrolled at the University of Jena , where he initially completed philosophical studies with Johann Frischmuth , Erhard Weigel , Caspar Posner , Valentin Veltheim , Georg Schubart and Caspar Sagittarius .

After he had acquired the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophical sciences on May 14, 1681, he pursued theological studies with Johannes Musaeus , Friedemann Bechmann and Johann Wilhelm Baier . He then took part in the lectures at the Jena University, became an adjunct of the philosophical faculty and in 1685 an associate professor of philosophy. In 1687 he became a full professor of ethics, in 1689 he was also appointed professor of politics and in the summer semester of 1691 he was rector of the alma mater . After being appointed consistorial councilor of Saxony-Eisenach, he received his doctorate in theology at the University of Altdorf in 1697 and switched to the theological faculty as professor of theology and church history on September 23, 1701. In 1705 he followed a call to Dornburg as superintendent , received the title of Princely Saxony-Weimar Consistorial and Synonal Council and appeared as an opponent of Pietism. In 1718 he resigned from this office and retired to Erfurt, where he died.


Hebenstreit was married three times.

He concluded his first marriage on November 21, 1687 with Anna Sophia Balduin (born February 6, 1705 Kollegienkirche Jena ), daughter of the lawyer, Schönburg Council in Gera and bailiff in Glaucha Johann Friedrich Balduin and his wife Anna Christina Ziegener.

His second marriage was on April 13, 1706 in Dornburg with Christina Elisabeth Ilgen (born December 26, 1677 in Camburg / Saale), daughter of the notary and mayor of Camburg / Saale Jacob Ilgen.

His third marriage was with Christiane Eleonore Köhler († July 30, 1750 in Jena).

The first two marriages have children. We know of these:

Marriage I.
  • Johann Friedrich Hebenstreit (born April 3, 1691 in Jena, † March 7, 1731 in Buttstädt) married. 1714 Margarethe Elisabeth Kirmse, daughter of the Weimar chamber clerk Johann Jakob Kirmse
  • Johann Erhard Hebenstreit (born July 8, 1693 in Jena)
  • Johann Ernst Hebenstreit (born July 8, 1693 in Jena)
  • Johanna Friderika Hebenstreit m. Camburg / Saale November 21, 1723 with the citizen and merchant Johann Friedrich Bertram (* Calbe)
Marriage II
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Hebenstreit (* 1706 in Dornburg; † September 8, 1788 ibid.) Mayor and district judge Sulza, later herzogl. saxony-Weimar pension secretary m. with Maria Dorothea Lesch († December 4, 1766 in Dornburg), the daughter of the pastor in Pfuhlshorn Johann Karl Lesch
  • Laurentius Traugott Hebenstreit (born October 3, 1715 Neustadt an der Orla)
  • Johann Karl Gottlob Hebenstreit (* 1717) 1730 Uni. Jena, 1731 Uni. Leipzig, 1737–1749 emperor. and kurf. Saxon soldier, 1747–31. January 1749 kurf. Saxon Fourir

Works (selection)

  • Disp. acad. de praedestinatione prima: in qua de voce praedestinationis, eius genere, causis eius in genere, & in specie de causa efficiente agitur. Jena 1680 (present Friedemann Bechmann, online )
  • Disp. acad. de praedestinatione secunda: in qua de quaestione utrum praedestinationis decretum absolutum sit nec ne? agitur. Jena 1680 (present Friedemann Bechmann, online )
  • Disp. acad. de aeternitate Dei, Simoni Episcopio Arminiano inprimis opposita. Jena 1682 (Resp.Burchard Johann Pantzerbiter, online )
  • Disputationum Metaphysicarum Prima De Axiomatibus in Genere. Jena 1682 (Resp. Johann Georg Pfefferkorn (1660–1707), online )
  • Disputatio Moralis De Conscientia Practica Et Eius Obligatione. Jena 1683 (Resp. Ernst Reyher, online )
  • Disputatio Academica De Simplicitate Dei, Simoni Episcopio Arminiano inprimis opposita. Jena 1684 (Resp. Ludwig Hanses, online )
  • Disp. acad. de naturali existentiae Dei notitia. Jena 1685 (Resp.Caspar Wolff, online )
  • Disputatio Academica De Omnipraesentia Dei. Jena 1686 (Resp. Johann Abraham Kromayer (December 13, 1655 in Ohrdruf; April 19, 1733 ibid.), Online )
  • Exercitatio pneumaticaœ de notitiis Dei naturalibus cum insitis tum acquisitis. Jena 1688 (Ressp. Georg Dietrich Böhm (-1733), online )
  • Disputatio politica, de imperio mariti in uxorem, Germanice, On men's law. Jena 1689 (Resp. Justus Christoph Hauswolff, online ), Halle-Magdeburg 1721 ( online )
  • De Libertate Arbitrii, Contra Reformatos Inprimis D. Samuelem Andreae. Jena 1691 (Resp.Johann Philipp Esenbeck (-1729), online )
  • De horrendo terrae Siculae motu nuper exorto. Jena 1693 (Resp.Philipp Georg Luck, online )
  • De Locustis, Immenso Agmine Aerem Nostrvm Implentibvs, Et Qvid Portendere Pvtentvr. Jena 1693 (Resp. Christian Prange (-1721), online )
  • De Remediis adversus Locvstas, inprimis Pontificiorvm quorundam methodo expellendi eas per Excommvnicationem, Aqvam Lvstralem, & Exorcismvm. Jena 1693 (Resp.Johann Georg Lippold, online )
  • Diss. Inaug. theol.œ de forma regiminis in Ecclesia. Altdorf 1693 ( online )
  • De Epiphania & Epiphaniis apud gentiles & Christianos sic dictis. Jena 1693 (Resp.Erasmus Hartmann, online )
  • De Remediis adversus Locvstas, inprimis Pontificiorvm quorundam methodo expellendi eas per Excommvnicationem, Aqvam Lvstralem, & Exorcismvm. Jena 1693 (Resp.Johann Georg Lippold, online )
  • Nobilissimo atque Excellentissimo Viro Erhardo Weigelio, Consiliaro Caesareo & Sulzbac. Palatino, Mathematum Professori undiquaque consummatissimo, Seniori totius Academiae maxime venerabili, Patrono suo observanter colendo philosophiam Mathematicam ad inclytae Societatis Reg. Anglicanae monitum edenti. Jena 1693 ( online )
  • Harmful and terrible army train of locusts, which in the month of Augusto, which has come to an end, from Türckey in Hungary, and from there in Austria, Bohemia, Upper Silesia, Francken, Voigtland, Meissen, and Saxony, arrive in great and countless numbers, and everything that they still found, ate and ate in the fields and meadows, with attached relation, which otherwise means such locust traits and which are drawn after them. Leipzig 1693 ( online )
  • De Sponso In Nvptiis Canae Galilaeae. Jena 1693 (Resp. Hermann Friedrich Clemens, online )
  • De Eremitis seu Anachoretis Christi in Eremum anachōruntos exemplo minime commendatis. Jena 1693 (Resp.Georg Salomon Fasolt, online )
  • Dissertationes Academicarum Pentas. Jena 1694 ( online )
  • Epistola ad Praesules Magnificos, atque Celeberrimos Theologos, Dn. L. Conradum on the situation. 1694 ( online )
  • Epistola ad Virum Magnificum, summeque Reverendum Dn. Samuelem Benedictum Carpzovium ... in qua de controversia, quae sibi cum Doctore Sam. Andreae ... in arduo de praedestinatione articulo intercedit, disserit breviter, & ... ostendit. 1694 ( online )
  • Theologia naturalis. Jena 1696 ( online )
  • Epistola ad Generosos & Nobilissimos in florentissima Academia Ienensi Studiosos, qua suas tum publicas tum privatas Lectiones significat. Jena 1696 ( online )
  • De legibus ecclesiasticis. Jena 1698 (Resp. Johann Philipp Zippel, online )
  • De legibus ecclesiae universae, pariterque de iis, in quibus illae conditae sunt, conciliis, inprimis oecumenicis, contra Bellarminum & Baronium veritatem historicam pevertentes. Jena 1699 (Resp. Conrad Budde, online )
  • Programma de theologis summis multiplici calumnia appetitis: quo ad lectiones publicas, quae contra sectam Pontificiam ... adornabuntur ... commilitones doctissimi perhumaniter invitantur. Jena 1700 ( online )
  • Diss. Hist.-theol.œ de canonibus, ut dicuntur vulgo, apostilicis: ad commonstrandos Iuris Ecclesiastici fontes, & ad illud Gelasii apud Gratianum c. Sancta Romana Dist. XV. extans dictum: Liber canonum Apostolorum apocryphus, adversus Pontificias detorsiones vindicandum. Jena 1701 ( online )
  • Diss. De summa Scripturae S. auctoritate, contra praetensam librorum Apocryphorum, vulgatae versionis, Romanae Ecclesiae, ac traditionum aequalitatem vindicata. Jena 1701 (Resp. Augustin Friedrich Kromayer (1644–1707), online )
  • Disputatio historico-theologica de Augustanae Confessionis nomine et causis. Jena 1702 (Resp. Johann Heinrich Kindvater (1675–1726), online )
  • De primis Christianis imperatoribus. Jena 1702 (Resp.Johann Georg Sultze, online )
  • Diss. Hist.-theol. ?? de canonibus, ut dicuntur vulgo, apostolicis: ad commonstrandos Iuris Ecclesiastici fontes, & ad illud Gelasii apud Gratianum c. Sancta Romana Dist. XV. extans dictum: Liber canonum Apostolorum apocryphus, adversus Pontificias detorsiones vindicandum. Jena 1702 ( online )
  • Collegii theol. exegetici disp. Tertia, De Scripturae Sacrae sensu. Jena 1703 (Resp.Johann Justus Finger, online )
  • Collegii Theol. Exegetici Disp. Prima De Theologiæ Exegeticæ Natvra Et Constitvtione. Jena 1703 (Resp. Justus Friedrich Reichenbach, online )
  • Ernesti Stockmann's Past. zu Allstäd, and the same Diœces Superint. Also Fürstlichen Sächsische Eisenachische Consistorialis Real-Concordanß The 49th Biblical Preambles and 2229th Ordinary Glosses of the Highly Beloved Man Mr. D. Martini Lutheri: According to the order of the alphabet with diligence, dabey at the end an appendix, as one in the proper reading of his Bible , to excercise emphatically with exceptional pleasure and benefit, and to make many beautiful things known with little effort: With a preface by Löbl. Hoch-Gräfl. Mannsfeldischen Consistorii B. Lutheri in Eyßleben, in addition to an epistle of ... Johann Pauli Hebenstreits, Hoch-Fürstl. Saxon. Eysenachian high order churches-Raths, Hoch-Gräfflichen Sayn and Wittichenstein. Consistor. also SS. Theol. Prof. Publ. & Ht Decan. in Jena. Leipzig 1703 ( online )
  • Collegii theol. exegetici disp. .... Quarta, De Scripturae Sacrae sensu literali et mystico: pro B. Glassio, aliisque Jenensibus Theologis contra diversam nonnullorum sententiam potissimum conscripta. Jena 1704 (Resp.Elias (Sagazius) Sagatz, online )
  • Diss. Theol. de peccati natura et adaequata mensura. Jena 1708 (Resp.Gerhard Gottfried Ranis, online )
  • Diss. Theol. de scandali natura et necessaria circa illud praxi. Jena 1708 (Resp.Andreas Kraft, online )
  • Diss. Theol. de peccati consequentibus culpa, reatu & poenis. Jena 1709 (Rep. Martin Neubauer, online )
  • Dissertatio theologica de unione personali. Jena 1709 (Resp.Johann Wilhelm Wunder, online )
  • Dissertatio theologica de duarum Christi naturarum communicatione. Jena 1709 (Resp.Johann Matthaeus Zahn, online )
  • Diss. Theol. de operationum in Christo communicatione. Jena 1711 (Resp.Aegidius Baumann, online )
  • Diss. Theol. de idiomatum in Christo communicatione, ac speciatim de primo eius genere. Jena 1712 (Resp.Johann Christoph Würtzberger, online )


Individual evidence

  1. Most reference works name 1664 as the year of birth, however, the year 1660 is also found. B. List of Rectors of the University of Jena ( Memento of the original from June 3, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /