Johann Loreng

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Johann Loreng (born March 19, 1893 in Felsberg ; † after 1961) was a Saarland politician ( center / CDU ).

After attending elementary school and high school, Loreng worked in his grandfather's farm. He completed an apprenticeship at an agricultural school and a year-long foreign apprenticeship. As a soldier he took part in the First World War, then he went into business for himself as a farmer in Felsberg . He was involved in agricultural organizations and was elected to the district council as a member of the Center Party. In the Saar area , which was then subject to the League of Nations , he campaigned for a return to the German Empire.

Loreng was accepted into the NSDAP on August 1, 1933 ( membership number 2,689,472). After the integration of the Saar area into the " Third Reich " he became a district farmer in the Reichsnährstand .

After the Second World War, Loreng was interned for fourteen months. In the now French-occupied Saarland , he again campaigned for a return to Germany and finally joined the CDU. He was a member of the Saarland Landtag during the third legislative period (1956–1961). There he was a member of the committees for food, agriculture and hunting as well as for public works and reconstruction. He was also a secretary to the Presidium of the State Parliament.


  • Landtag des Saarlandes (ed.): Manual. State Parliament of the Saarland. Saarbrücken 1957. p. 361.

Individual evidence

  1. Hans-Peter Klausch: List 1: Alphabetical list of members of the Saarland state parliament with proven NSDAP membership. (PDF; 2.15 MB) In: Brown traces in the Saar state parliament. The Nazi past of representatives from Saarland. The left. Parliamentary group in the Saarland State Parliament, Saarbrücken 2013, p. 18 , accessed on January 25, 2016 .