Johann Michael Fritz

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Johann Michael Fritz (born January 30, 1936 in Essen ) is a German art historian and university professor. His research focus is the Middle Ages and handicrafts, especially Central European enamel and goldsmithing.


Johann Michael Fritz, son of the art historian Rolf Fritz (1904-1992), who was director of the Museum for Art and Cultural History in Dortmund from 1936 to 1966 , grew up at Schloss Cappenberg , as the father's place of work and the family's residence after the complete Destruction of the museum in the Second World War was moved to the castle. Characterized by the daily dealings with medieval art objects, JM Fritz decided to study art history. He studied art history, Christian archeology and classical archeology at the Universities of Freiburg , FU Berlin, Vienna and Munich and was trained in 1962 by Kurt Bauch at the University of Freiburg with the work of engraved pictures. Engraving on German goldsmith's work of the late Gothic period .

As a scientific advisor at the Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn from 1962 to 1968, he founded the magazine Das Rheinisches Landesmuseum . From 1968 to 1983 he was senior curator at the Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe .

In 1983 he completed his habilitation at the University of Freiburg with the font Goldsmith's Art of the Gothic in Central Europe . From 1983 to 1998 he taught as a professor for art history at Heidelberg University .

As head of the art history section of the Görres Society for the Care of Science, he organized and directed the society's art history conferences from 1994 to 2005. Since 1994 he has been a member of the commission for historical regional studies in Baden-Württemberg ; since 1999 as a corresponding member. 2005 he was awarded for his work The Evangelical Holy Communion Device in Germany. From the Middle Ages to the end of the Old Kingdom, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Protestant theological faculty of the University of Münster . JM Fritz has been an Honorary Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London since 2007 .

He advises and accompanies the scientific preparation of exhibitions, e.g. B. the show Chalices and Goldsmith's Art of the Middle Ages from Protestant Churches in East Germany in the National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo and the presentation The Cross from St. Trudpert in Münstertal / Black Forest in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg and the exhibition The Medieval Jewish Culture in Erfurt . The treasure found on Michaelisstrasse in Erfurt in the Museé Cluny in Paris and in the Wallace Collection in London.

He works as a consultant for restorations; so z. B. in the restoration and reconstruction of the large wheel chandelier in Hildesheim Cathedral or in the restoration of Augsburg silver figures from the altar of the Black Madonna in Czestochowa . Together with his sister Andrea Gabriele Fritz he founded the Geschwister-Fritz-Foundation Ornamenta ecclesiae conservanda . According to Paragraph 2 of the Foundation, its purpose is “to promote the art and culture of the region and ecclesiastical purposes through the maintenance and preservation of the theological and art-historical important ornamenta ecclesiae in the diocese of Münster and through the promotion of knowledge of their liturgical function and historical significance among young theologians and art historians ”.

He has lived in Münster since 1999 .



  • Engraved pictures. Engravings on late Gothic German goldsmith work. (= Bonner Jahrbücher , supplement 20). Cologne - Graz 1966 (dissertation).
  • Gothic goldsmithing in Central Europe. Publishing house CH Beck, Munich 1982.
  • with Jürgen Miethke: Medieval university scepter . Masterpieces of European Gothic goldsmithing. Exhibition for the 600th anniversary of the university. Heidelberg 1986.
  • The preserving power of Lutheranism. Medieval works of art in Protestant churches. Regensburg 1997.
  • The evangelical device of the Lord's Supper in Germany. Leipzig 2004.

Co-author (selection)

  • Late Gothic on the Upper Rhine . Masterpieces of plastic and handicrafts. Karlsruhe 1970.
  • Autumn of the Middle Ages. Late Gothic in Cologne and on the Lower Rhine . Cologne 1970.
  • Propylaea Art History Volume VI. Berlin 1972.
  • Sol and Luna. On the trail of gold and silver . Frankfurt 1973.
  • The Parler and the Beautiful Style 1350–1400. European art among the Luxembourgers. Cologne 1978.
  • Baroque in Baden-Württemberg. Exhibition in Bruchsal Castle . 1981.
  • Gothic goldsmithing in Central Europe. In: The world of art . Munich 1982.
  • Catalog of the historical exhibition St. Blasien . 1983.
  • The Quedlinburg treasure. Berlin 1993.
  • Bernward von Hildesheim and the age of the Ottonians . Hildesheim 1993.
  • Stefan Lochner, Master of Cologne . Cologne 1993.
  • Le beau Martin . Martin Schongauer. Colmar 1994.
  • The cross from St. Trudpert in Münstertal . Munich 2003.

Articles (selection)

  • Andreas Emmel and other Bonn goldsmiths of the 18th century . In: Bonner Jahrbücher 164, pp. 353–391.
  • Two Tuscan chalices of famous cardinals of the Quattrocento . In: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz , 13, 1968, pp. 273–288.
  • Cologne splendor and table silver from the late Gothic period . In: Festschrift for Gert von der Osten , Cologne 1970, pp. 106–117.
  • Late Gothic on the Upper Rhine. Research results and addenda to the exhibition in the Badisches Landesmuseum 1970, Dept. of goldsmithing . In: Yearbook of the State Art Collections in Baden-Württemberg 9, 1972, pp. 159–195.
  • About the arms collection of the margraves and grand dukes of Baden . In: Yearbook of the State Art Collections in Baden-Württemberg , 12, 1975, pp. 85–112.
  • with Hansmartin Schwarzmaier: The Crown Insignia of the Grand Dukes of Baden . In: Journal for the history of the Upper Rhine , 125, 1977, pp. 201–223.
  • with B. Thomas: Unknown works of late medieval armory in Karlsruhe . In: Waffen- und Costumekunde 20, 1978, pp. 1–18.
  • Ex cassa paramentorum emptus . In: Churches on the Way of Life. Festival ceremony for Friedrich Cardinal Wetter . Munich 1988, pp. 145-160.
  • Beginning of the end? The creeping decline of the inherited Ornamenta ecclesiae . In: Annual and conference report of the Görres Society, 1994 1995, pp. 5–19.
  • Marc Rosenberg, art historian and collector . In: Baden Biographies , New Series. (Ed. B. Ottnad) Stuttgart 1996, pp. 240-242.
  • Dying Sources: The Undetected Fall of Church Monuments . In: Image and History Festschrift H. Schwarzmaier. Ed. K. Krimm, Sigmaringen 1997, pp. 361-374.
  • Goldsmithing and enamel of the 14th century in Central Europe . In: Festschrift for Marie-Madeleine Gauthier . In: Bolletino d'Arte , Supplemento al N. 95, Rome 1997, pp. 99-106.
  • The back cover of the plenary of Duke Otto des Mild from 1339 and related works. In: The Welfenschatz and its surroundings. (Eds. D. Koetzsche and J. Ehlers) Mainz 1998, pp. 369-385.
  • Inscriptions on medieval goldsmithing: techniques and artistic design. In: inscription and material, inscription and book script. (Ed. W. Koch) Verlag der Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munich 1999, pp. 85–93.
  • Un calice Strasbourgeois du XIVe siècle: l'original et la copie . In: Pierre, lumière, couleur. Etudes d'histoire de l'art du Moyen Age en l'honeur de Anne Prache. (Eds. F. Joubert, D. Sandron) Cultures et Civilizations médiévales XX , Paris 1999, pp. 287-296.
  • Continuité surprenante: oeuvres d'art du Moyen Age conservées dans les églises protestantes en Allemagne . In: Iconographica. Mélanges offerts à Piotr Skubiszewski (Eds. R. Favreau, M.-H. Debiès) Poitiers 1999, pp. 102-108. = Civilization médiévale VII. Université de Poitiers, Center d'Etudes supérieur de Civilization médiévale.
  • Vasa Sacra et non sacra - stepchildren of theology and art history . In: Das Münster , Vol. 53, 2000, pp. 359–456.
  • Editor and foreword by Rolf and Hanna Fritz, Winter at Schloss Cappenberg. Letters to Sweden October 1947 to March 1948 , Münster 2004.
  • Church Treasures in the Holy Roman Empire: The Fall and Survival of Liturgical Devices . In: Biuletyn historii sztuki 70, 2008, pp. 7–38 (with a Polish summary).
  • Church works of art of the Middle Ages in Dortmund in juxtaposition and togetherness despite changes in denominations . In: Fides imaginem quaerens. Festschrift for Ryszard Knapinski , Lublin 2011, pp. 201–214.


  • Who is who? The German Who's Who. Federal Republic of Germany. 2013-2014 . Beleke Verlag, Essen 2013, p. 304.
  • Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar . De Gruyter, Berlin-Boston 2016. Vol. 1, p. 962.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bürgerstiftung Stadt Selm (ed.): People in Selm, Bork and Cappenberg . Selm 2015, pp. 88-91.
  2. Florens Deuchler, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung 12./13. February 1983, No. 36, p. 62.
  3. [1]
  4. ^ Trésors de la Peste noire - Erfurt et Colmar. Paris 2007.
  5. ^ Treasures of the Black Death. London 2009.
  6. Foundation website
  7. ^ Charles Oman Review, in: Burlington Magazine 109, 1967, p. 718.