Johann Samuel Müller

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Johann Samuel Müller (born February 24, 1701 in Braunschweig ; † May 7, 1773 in Hamburg ) was a German headmaster and writer .


The son of a teacher at the Braunschweig Katharineum received his first training at this school. Thanks to a scholarship from Duke August Wilhelm , he was able to attend the University of Helmstedt in 1719 . Here he studied theology and philosophy, but also classical and oriental languages, mathematics and physics, history and constitutional law.

At that time, Christian Friedrich Hunold had already included his poems among the poems of famous men . From 1721 he wrote libretti for operas by Georg Caspar Schürmann for Rudolfus Habspurgicus , Pharao and Joseph , Otto Pue . In 1722 he tried to do his habilitation in Leipzig, but soon took over a position as court master at the Raschle war council in Dresden. In 1725 he returned to Braunschweig and took over a position as court master with the Holstein minister von Roeptstorf in Hamburg. In the same year he was appointed to a rector's position in Uelzen on the recommendation of the rector of the Johanneum in Hamburg, Johann Huebner .

From 1730 he held the office of vice-principal at the Old Town School in Hanover, but on September 11, 1732, he took the place of the deceased Johann Hübner as the rector of the Johanneum School for Scholars .

In 1728 he wrote the libretto for the opera Miriways by Georg Philipp Telemann .

He had a close friendship with Gotthold Ephraim Lessing .

Works (selection)

  • Platonic dialogues. Hamburg 1736-1740.
  • Conversations of the old world sages. Hamburg 1733.

Literature (selection)