Johann Schenk zu Schweinsberg

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Johann Schenk zu Schweinsberg (* 1460 ; † 1506 ) from the family of Messrs. Schenck zu Schweinsberg was a Hessian nobleman , landgrave-Hessian marshal , imperial and imperial councilor and knight of the Holy Sepulcher .


Johann was a son of Guntram Schenk zu Schweinsberg († 1463) and his wife Else Wais von Feuerbach († 1492). He was married to Margaretha von Schlitz called von Görtz († May 31, 1503), daughter of Constantin von Schlitz called von Görtz († 1474/79) and Katharina von Thüngen († after May 1476). The marriage had a son, Gunthram.


Johann ("the younger") was initially in the service of the Electorate of Mainz, but in 1467 he became a Hessian bailiff in Kirchhain . From 1473 to 1499 he was Marshal of the Upper Hessian Landgrave Heinrich III. and Wilhelm III. In 1473 he commanded the Hessian troops that came to the aid of the monastery administrator Hermann von Hessen , the brother of Landgrave Heinrich III., During the Cologne collegiate feud, but were unable to conquer the city of Brilon in the Duchy of Westphalia , and in 1479 he commanded the Hessian horsemen and foot troops in a brief war with the Prince-Bishop of Hildesheim .

From 1483 to 1489 he was one of the governors who, under the leadership of Archbishop Hermann IV of Cologne , uncle of the still underage Landgrave Wilhelm III. who ran government affairs in the part of the Landgraviate of Upper Hesse .

At the Reichstag in Worms in 1495, when the Hessian cousins Wilhelm II, "the middle" and Wilhelm III, "the younger", were enfeoffed by the Roman-German King Maximilian with Lower Hesse and Upper Hesse, he rode with them ahead of an escort .

At the Augsburg Reichstag of 1500 he was elected as one of six representatives for the Upper Rhine Reichskreis in the short-lived Reichsregiment . Since Landgrave Wilhelm III. shortly before had died after a hunting accident, Upper Hesse fell to his cousin Wilhelm II, who thus reunited the entire Landgraviate of Hesse in one hand. Johann Schenk zu Schweinsberg then entered the service of Archbishop Hermann IV of Cologne and was the electoral Cologne ambassador to the 1501 Imperial Assembly in Nuremberg.

Hermannstein Castle and the Hermannstein Line

In 1481 Johann acquired, with the consent of Landgrave Heinrich III., Who had pledged the castle 15 years earlier for 200 Rhenish guilders in a mortgage note and 700 guilders in cash to the bailiff Ludwig von Mudersbach and his wife Liese, for 900 guilders from Mudersbachs Widow the Hermannstein Castle near Wetzlar with all accessories and then received it from Heinrich III. for another 4,000 guilders as a home falling to the Landgrave fiefdom . The claims of the Counts of Solms-Braunfels to one half of Hermannstein Castle were recognized and settled in that they took this half as a fief from the Landgrave and immediately passed it on to Johann Schenk zu Schweinsberg as an after fief . Johann and his wife Margaretha resided on Hermannstein ever since, and their descendants therefore later referred to themselves as the Hermannstein line . This line usually only wrote its name with "k" (not with "ck").


In Schweinsberg , Johann had Schweinsberg Castle expanded in 1482 by the landgrave's fortress builder Hans Jakob von Ettlingen in accordance with the latest requirements of the art of war. In the village itself, during Johann's reign from 1491 to 1492, the still preserved village church, called Paulskirche after the Reformation , was built.

Individual evidence

  1. From 1471 to 1483 Heinrich III. as the guardian of his underage nephews, he was also regent of Niederhessen .
  2. ^ Johann Georg Estor, "Treatise of those Erb-Schencken in Hesse, Schencken zu Schweinsberg," in Johann Georg Estor's selected small writings, first volume, Zweythe edition, Krieger, Gießen, 1744; (P. 10)
  3. ibid.
  4. The Upper Rhine Empire extended from Savoy to Hesse-Kassel .
  5. ^ Johann Georg Estor, "Treatise of those Erb-Schencken in Hessen, Schencken zu Schweinsberg," in Johann Georg Estor's selected little writings, first volume, Zweythe edition, Krieger, Gießen, 1744 (p. 11)
  6. Helfrich Bernhard Wenck, Hessische Landesgeschichte, Volume 3, Varrentrapp and Wenner, Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1803 (p. 154)


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