Johanna Birnbaum

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Johanna Birnbaum-Göhr , actually Johanna Birnbaum (born Johanna Göhr , pseudonym Jo Gyor ; * the thirtieth December 1904 in Katowice , † after 1978 ) was a German non-fiction - writer and novelist .

life and work

Born in Kattowitz as Johanna Göhrs in 1904 during the German Empire , she first attended a school in her hometown before taking her Abitur in Hanover . She then studied philosophy in Göttingen at the university there and in Munich . In 1931 she wrote her philosophical dissertation under the title The "Memoirs" around 1700. A study on the development of realistic novel art before Richardson , which came in 1933 as Volume 79 in the book trade in the series Studies on English Philology .

From 1937 the publisher lived temporarily in Hildesheim under the pseudonym Jo Györ .

Also at the time of National Socialism , Birnbaum published from 1938 under the title Morgenmond. A Munich artist novel, the first serial novella to date in the magazine Jugend . The novella apparently corresponded to the expectations placed on German literature by the Reich Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda and President of the Reich Chamber of Culture Joseph Goebbels .

Fonts (selection)

  • as Johanna Birnbaum-Göhr: Letter to Herman Schmalenbach , 2 sheets, handwriting, 1931
  • The Memoirs around 1700. A study on the development of realistic novel art before Richardson (= Studies on English Philology , No. 79), unchanged reprographic reprint of the 1st edition Halle an der Saale 1934, Walluf (near Wiesbaden): Sänd, 1973, ISBN 978 -3-500-28660-0 and ISBN 3-500-28660-7
  • Morning moon. A Munich artist novel, serialized in the magazine Jugend , 1938
    • Digitized on the page
  • Our first names and their meaning (= miniature library , nos. 273/274, a / d), revision, Hildesheim: Hörhold, 1955
  • Jo Györ: Oberschlesisches Saitenspiel (= publication / Oberschlesische Studienhilfe eV , vol. 43), Augsburg: Oberschlesischer Heimatverlag; Heidenheim / Brenz: Jerratsch, 1978, ISBN 3-921519-26-8


Individual evidence

  1. a b Compare the information in the Swissbib catalog
  2. a b c Compare the information and cross-references in the catalog of the German National Library
  3. a b c d e Anke Hees: Beaulieu, Heloise (Margarete) , in: Wilhelm Kosch : Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon . Biographical-bibliographical handbook , 2nd edition: The 20th Century , Vol. 2, Bern; Munich: KG Saur Verlag, 1969, ISBN 3-908255-02-3 , 2001, Sp. 65; Preview over google books
  4. Kathleen M. Condray: Women Writers of the Journal Jugend from 1919-1940: "The Brain of Unsrer Lieben Schwestern" (in English), E. Mellen Press, 2003, p. 271, 273, 317; preview by Google Books
  5. Peter Schulman, Frederick Alfred Lubich: The Marketing of Eros: Performance, Sexuality, Consumer Culture (in English), Die Blaue Eule, 2003, p. 132