Johannes Ens

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Johannes Ens

Johannes Ens (also: Hoseas Stuchtenius, Daniel van der Heijde ; born May 9, 1682 in Kwadijk ; † January 6, 1732 in Utrecht ) was a Dutch Reformed theologian.


The son of pastor Cornelius Ens († June 20, 1717) was the brother of the professor at the University of Harderwijk Petrus Ens . After initial training with his father, he first studied at the University of Utrecht , where he defended the disputation de libro vitae under Henricus Pontanus . In 1703 he moved to the University of Leiden , where he continued his theological training under Jacobus Perizonius , Johannes a Marck (1656–1731), Salomon van Til (1643–1713) and Franciscus Fabricius (1663–1738). In 1706 he studied in Utrecht, became a candidate for the ecclesiastical consistory and in March 1707 pastor in Beets (Beersen) in North Holland. On November 25, 1707 he received his doctorate in Leiden with the Disputatio historico-theologica inauguralis de librorum Novi Testamenti canone as a doctor of theology.

In 1719 he went to the academic high school in Lingen and took up the post of professor of theology and philosophy on May 11 with the speech de sanctorum liborum studio, atque ejusdem fatis . In addition, he was given an extraordinary pastorate in Lingen. On March 10, 1720, he was appointed pastor in Utrecht and on April 22, the office of extraordinary professor of theology at the Academy of the Utrecht University, which he took up on June 3, 1720 with the speech De persecutione Julianea .

On January 4, 1723 he became a full professor of theology and as such held the rectorate of the Alma Mater in 1727/28 .

Theologically he had established himself as a representative of the federal theology of Johannes Coccejus , he was said to have great skills in the Greek language and extensive knowledge of church history.

The traditions describe him as a very disorderly person who was not averse to culinary delights. This led to an increase in size and is said to have been the cause of his death.


  • Bibliotheca sacra, sive diatribe de librorum novi Testamenti canone. Amsterdam 1710
  • Aanmerkingen over Isaiah chapter XI en XII, dead understood the woorden in the rain zin, het oogmerk, de vervulling of Verwachting en gebruik. Amsterdam 1713
  • Oratio inauguralis de persecutione Juliani. Utrecht 1720
  • Oratio de Academiarum omnium praestantissima. Utrecht 1727
  • Tafereel of the Wereldse Vermakelijkheden.
  • Ouderlings protest en raet, Zions worstelingen, en raet, Zions worstelingen, en Spiegel der voorbeelden ontdekt en opgeheldert, tot bewaringe van eenigheid en bevorderinge van de vreede der kerke. Amsterdam 1715
  • Satan's responsibility for the lastering en verdranijing van de Coccejus's writings. Lingen, 1715
  • Kort historically Berigt van de Publieke writings rakende de leer en dienst der Nederduitsche kerken der Vereenigde Nederlanden; zijnde de formulate van Eenigheid en de liturgy, doorgaans gevoegd eighth de psalm books, which have been used in dezelve kerken; opgesteld by Johannes Ens enz. Utrecht 1733, reprint Kampen 1857


  • Peter Florenz Weddigen: New Westphalian magazine on geography, history and statistics. 1792, vol. 3, p. 228, ( online )
  • Christian Gottlieb Jöcher : General Scholar Lexicon, Darinne the scholars of all classes, both male and female, who lived from the beginning of the world to the present day, and made themselves known to the learned world, After their birth, life, remarkable stories, Withdrawals and writings from the most credible scribes are described in alphabetical order. Verlag Johann Friedrich Gleditsch , Leipzig, 1750, Vol. 2, Sp. 356
  • Barend Glasius: Biographical Woordenboek van Nederlandsche Godgeleerden. Muller Brothers, 's-Hertogenbosch, 1851, Vol. 1, p. 422, ( Online , Dutch)
  • Abraham Jacob van der Aa : Biographical Woordenboek der Nederlanden. Verlag JJ van Brederode, Haarlem, 1859, vol. 5, p. 162 ( online ) and 1874, vol. 17, part 2, p. 1008 ( online , Dutch)
  • Knipscheer: ENS (Johannes) . In: Philipp Christiaan Molhuysen , Petrus Johannes Blok : Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek . (NNBW), AW Sijthoff's Uitgevers-Maatschappij, Leiden, 1930, vol. 8, col. 486, ( online , Dutch)
  • WJ van Asselt: Ens, Johannes. In: JW Buisman, G. Brinkman: Biografisch lexicon voor de geschiedenis van het Nederlands protestantisme. Uitgeverij Kok, Kampen, 2001, vol. 5, p. 172, ( online , Dutch)

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