Johannes Herbert Schroeder

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Johannes H. Schroeder (2014)

Johannes Herbert Schroeder (born January 4, 1939 in Todenbüttel ; † March 27, 2018 in Berlin ) was a German geologist .


Schroeder studied geology (and business administration) at the University of Tübingen from 1959 to 1964 . In 1968 he received his doctorate from George Washington University and after returning to Germany was a research assistant and assistant professor for sedimentology and marine geology at the Technical University of Berlin . During this time he prepared his habilitation. He was a regular basis to conduct research in the US, from 1965 to 1968 and 1971-72 at the Biological Research Station in Bermuda (origin and structure of reefs), he conducted research at the Great Barrier Reef and 1969/70 he stayed in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica, for which he received the Antarctic Service Medal in 1974 the USA received.

Schroeder was instrumental in the geological exploration of Northeast Africa (Kenya, Sudan, Somalia, Egypt), both on land and as a marine geologist. From 1976 to 1981 he was founding director of the Institute for Oceanography in Port Sudan .

In 1978 he was appointed adjunct professor in the "Mining and Geosciences" department of the TU Berlin. From 1982 and 1987 he took over the chair for general and marine geology at the University of Kiel and at the TU Berlin the chair for geology on behalf of Eugen Seibold . In 1987 he accepted the professorship for sedimentology and quaternary geology at the TU Berlin.

He dealt with the use of natural stones in Germany, especially in the recording of natural stones on Berlin buildings since 1996, and regional geology in Brandenburg, where he initiated and advised various geoparks (Geopark Eiszeitland am Oderrand, Museum Park Rüdersdorf, Nature Park Märkische Schweiz) . 1991 to 1997 and 1999 to 2013 he was the first chairman and founder of the Geoscientists of Berlin and Brandenburg Association. V. , from 1999 its honorary member and head of its self-publishing company.

In 2008 he designed the information board at the Ice Age Garden in Buckow (Märkische Schweiz) .



  • Editor: Natural stone in the architecture and building history of Berlin: a stroll through the city between Alexanderplatz and the Big Star . Berlin, 2nd edition 2006
  • Editor: Stones in German Cities: 18 Discovery Routes in Architecture and City History . Berlin 2009.
  • with Gerda Schirrmeister: Natural stone on the campus of the Technical University of Berlin . Berlin 2010.
  • Editor with Kristine Asch: Natural stone in Germany: Occurrence and geology . Ebner Verlag, Ulm 2006.
  • Editor: Guide to the geology of Berlin and Brandenburg . several volumes, Verlag Geoscientists from Berlin and Brandenburg, Berlin.
  • Author: Natural stone in Sinzig (Rhine). Use in architecture and city history . TU Berlin , Berlin 2017 ( link to download )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Association for the Promotion of Monument Preservation and the Sinzig Local History Museum: Prof. Dr. Johannes H. Schroeder . on
  2. ^ GeoUnion Alfred Wegener Foundation : Johannes Schröder died. accessed on April 10, 2018
  3. ^ Prize winners 1999-2007 DGG