Johannes Käubler

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Conrad Johannes Käubler , also Konrad Johannes Kaeubler , (born April 15, 1849 in Schandau , † July 11, 1924 in Dresden ) was a German lawyer and local and state politician. He was mayor of Bautzen in Upper Lusatia in Saxony and a member of the Saxon state parliament .

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Käubler attended the Princely School of St. Afra in Meissen . In 1881 he received his doctorate from the University of Leipzig . The topic of his dissertation was What is criminal usury? . During his studies in the summer of 1870 he became a member of the Leipzig University Choir St. Pauli (today in Mainz).

He was mayor of the city of Bautzen from 1890 to 1918. During the founding period, numerous buildings were built that still shape the cityscape today, such as the city ​​museum and the Kronprinzenbrücke over the Spree . The Wendish House on Lauengraben, which no longer exists today , was also built in the Kaeubler era, but not on the initiative of the city. It was particularly commendable for Bautzen that he tried to get the figures of the Rietschel gable from the Saxon King , which were then given to the city of Bautzen in 1902 and attached to the Bautzen city theater in 1905. In Bautzen he was a member and master of the chair of the Masonic Lodge at the Golden Wall .

From 1891 to 1917 Käubler represented the city of Bautzen in the first chamber of the Saxon state parliament .

In 1897, Hoßberg in Leipzig published the following publication penned by Johannes Käubler: The royal Saxon laws relating to the elections for the state parliament, namely the law relating to the elections for the second chamber of the assembly of estates, dated March 28, 1896, together with the implementing ordinances dated 10. October 1896 and the law concerning the elections for the state parliament of December 3, 1868 .


In Bautzen, today's Clara-Zetkin-Straße bore his name until after the Second World War. In November 2014, a bronze sculpture was erected for him on the Kornmarkt in front of the Kornmarkthaus. The memorial was funded by the Lions club. This has also been awarding the Kaeubler Prize since 2016.


  • Josef Matzerath : Aspects of Saxon State Parliament History - Presidents and Members of Parliament from 1833 to 1952. Saxon State Parliament 2001.
  • Walter Schindler: The work of Mayor Dr. Johannes Kaeubler (1849–1924) for the Bautzen city forest . In: Oberlausitzer Heimatblätter; (2014), 40, pp. 3–10.

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Individual evidence

  1. Complete directory of the Paulines from summer 1822 to summer 1938, p. 50
  2. Stefan Schramm: Where is Dr. Kaeubler? In: Saxon newspaper . October 16, 2014, accessed August 2, 2020 .
  3. Bautzen: Light for the Kaeubler monument. In: Saxon newspaper. June 25, 2020, accessed August 2, 2020 .