Johannes Munnicks

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Johannes Munnicks

Johannes Munnicks (also: Jean Munniks, Munnix, Munnicx, Munnigk, Munick, Jan Munnickius ; born October 16, 1652 in Utrecht , † June 10, 1711 ibid) was a Dutch physician.


The son of a pharmacist enrolled at Utrecht University in 1670 . He was born on December 13, 1670 with the theme muliebri de Fluore under Isbrand van Diemerbroeck Doctor of Medicine doctorate . He later published the Tractatus de urinus, earumque inspectione (Utrecht 1674, Dutch: Verhandelinge der wateren, en hoe men dezelve bezien moet by D, van Haagstraten. Dordrecht 1683) and in 1677, with the inaugural address De utilitate anatomiae, he was the lecturer of anatomy on the Utrecht University. On December 2, 1678, the curators of the Utrecht University appointed him extraordinary professor of surgery.

He took up this position on December 12, 1678 with the speech De praestantia rei herbariae and provided the position for the first two years without pay. On February 9, 1680 he became a full professor of surgery and soon afterwards on February 15, 1680 professor of anatomy and botany . He had mainly devoted himself as a practitioner to anatomy and surgery and was the city ​​physicist in Utrecht. He also took part in the organizational tasks of the university and was rector of the alma mater in 1685/86, 1694/95 and 1710/11 .


  • Chirurgia ad praxin hodiernam adornata, in qua veterum pariter ac neotericorum dogmata dilucide exponuntur. Utrecht 1686. (Dutch by D. Havart, Utrecht 1693, German Jena 1690, Amsterdam 1715)
  • Liber de re anatomica. Utrecht 1697.
  • All de works enz. Amsterdam 1740. (posthumously by G. Dicten)


  • Munnigk or Munick, Johann. In: Johann Heinrich Zedler : Large complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts . Volume 22, Leipzig 1739, column 850.
  • Christian Gottlieb Jöcher : General Scholar Lexicon, Darinne the scholars of all classes, both male and female, who lived from the beginning of the world to the present day, and made themselves known to the learned world, After their birth, life, remarkable stories, Withdrawals and writings from the most credible scribes are described in alphabetical order. Volume 3, Verlag Johann Friedrich Gleditsch , Leipzig 1961, Sp. 756. (Unchanged reprint of the Leipzig 1751 edition)
  • August Hirsch , Ernst Julius Gurlt : Biographical lexicon of the outstanding doctors of all times and peoples. Volume 4, Urban & Schwarzenberg, Vienna / Leipzig 1962, p. 315.
  • Verzijl: MUNNI (C) KS (Johannes). In: Philipp Christiaan Molhuysen , Petrus Johannes Blok : Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek . Volume 10, (NNBW), Verlag AW Sijthoff's Uitgevers-Maatschappij, Leiden 1637, Sp. 656-666. (on-line)
  • Jelle Banga: Geschiedenis van de Geneeskunde en van Hare beoefenaren in Nederland, vóór en na de Foundation of the Hoogeschool te Leiden to the Dood van Boerhaave. Volume 2, Verlag W. Eekhoff, Leuwarden 1868, p. 616 ( online , Dutch)
  • Jacobus Kok: Vaderlandsch woordenboek. Volume 23, Johannes Allard, Amsterdam 1790, p. 115. ( online , Dutch)
  • Jan Christiaan Kobus, W. de Rivecourt: Biographical woordenboek van Nederland. Volume 2, Verlag AEC van Someren, Zutphen 1870, p. 366. ( online , Dutch)

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