John Cullberg

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John Cullberg (1951)

John Olof Cullberg (born April 23, 1895 in Harestad , Göteborgs och Bohus län ; † August 10, 1983 in Uppsala ) was a Swedish Lutheran theologian and bishop .


Cullberg, the son of a Lutheran pastor, was in 1926 at the University of Uppsala to Dr. phil. did his doctorate and then got a job as a lecturer in the philosophy of religion. In 1928 he was ordained and appointed administrator of the professorship for theological encyclopedia in Uppsala. After graduating as Dr. theol. In 1933 he took over a parish in Balingsta (now part of the Uppsala parish ). In 1937 he was part of the contract provost . Appointed bishop of the Västerås diocese in 1940 , he served in this position until his retirement in 1962. He then moved back to Uppsala to do another theological work.

Cullberg was married to Eva Virgin (1903–1962) since 1928. His children include the artist Carin Adler (* 1929), the artist Erland Cullberg (1931–2012), the psychiatrist and author Johan Cullberg (* 1934) and the art historian Staffan Cullberg (* 1937).

Work and meaning

Cullberg has emerged primarily through publications on the philosophy of religion. He became particularly well known for criticizing Karl Barth's theology from a Lutheran perspective.

Cullberg held a number of honorary offices. Among other things, he headed the Swedish branch of the Christian Student World Federation from 1933 to 1937 .


In 1940 Cullberg was awarded the North Star Order (Commander 1st Class).

The University of Greifswald awarded him an honorary theological doctorate in 1956 .

Fonts (selection)

  • Samuel Grubbe. En study i transcendental religionsfilosofi. Berlings, Uppsala 1926.
  • Religion och vetenskap. Till frågan om den systematiska teologiens vetenskapliga grundläggning. Stockholm 1930.
  • The you and the reality. On the ontological background of the community category. Lundequist, Uppsala 1933 ( PDF).
  • The problem of ethics in dialectical theology. 1. Karl Barth. Lundequist, Uppsala 1938.
  • Kyrkan och tiden. Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrelses Bokförlag, Stockholm 1940
  • Männniskans väg. Demoniskt-gudomligt -omanskligt. Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrelses Bokförlag, Stockholm 1953.
  • Tro och verklighet. Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrelses Bokförlag, Stockholm 1955.
    • Belief and reality. A study on the existential understanding of faith. Furche, Hamburg 1958.
  • The fördolde Guden. Study till the bibliska gudsföreställningen. Verbum, Stockholm 1968.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Cullberg, John Olof . In: Vetenskapsakademi (ed.): Sveriges statskalender för år 1942 . Bihang. Almqvist & Wiksell boktryckeri AB, 1942, ZDB -ID 205099-7 , p. 100 (Swedish, ).