John Jympson

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John Jympson (born September 16, 1930 in London , † June 3, 2003 ibid) was a British film editor .


Jymspson worked as an assistant editor from the late 1940s. He learned the profession from Michael Balcon and William Hornbeck . His father, the journalist Jympson Harman, had helped him into the film business through his own contacts after Jympson left Dulwich College . The 1960 comedy The French Fräulein was his first production as an independent editor. Up to and including 1999 he was responsible for editing more than 45 film and television productions . One director he worked with several times was Brian G. Hutton . After completing the 1999 film Mad Cows, Jympson fell ill with diabetes and left the film business.

Jymspson had originally started editing Star Wars , but was fired by Georg Lucas about halfway through production and replaced by Paul Hirsch and Marcia Lucas , who eventually won an Oscar for Best Editing for their work with Richard Chew .

In 1989, Jymspson was nominated for the British Academy Film Award in the Best Editing category for his assembly work on A Fish Called Wanda .


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Individual evidence

  1. Tony Sloman on John Jympson, Obituary 2003, accessed February 24, 2014
  2. Tony Sloman on John Jympson, Obituary 2003, accessed February 24, 2014
  3. JW Rinzler , in: The Making of Star Wars, 2007, pp. 235f.