John O. Susac

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John O. Susac (born 1940 in Powhatan Point , Ohio , USA ; † February 23, 2012 in Winter Haven , Florida ) was an American neurologist and neuro-ophthalmologist . The Susac syndrome was named after him.


John Susac studied medicine at Ohio State University, specializing in neurology and neuro-ophthalmology . During his studies, he joined the US Army , where he achieved the rank of Colonel .

At the Walter Reed Military Hospital ( Washington, DC ) in 1975 he treated two young patients with an unusual illness consisting of psychosis , hearing and visual impairment. After he introduced one of the patients to the neuro-ophthalmologist William F. Hoyt at a symposium , he called the disease "Susac syndrome". Robert B. Daroff , at that time editor-in-chief of the journal Neurology , asked Susac for a review in 1994 and insisted on presenting the disease as "Susac syndrome".

John Susac dealt intensively with Susac syndrome throughout his life and founded the International Susac's Syndrome Foundation based in Winter Haven, Florida. Every author who published about the syndrome received a "Susac tie" from Susac. This had small brain bars printed on it, with the defects typical of the syndrome.

John O. Susac died on February 23, 2012 of complications from lung cancer , although he was a non-smoker. He left a wife, two daughters and two sons.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Susac JO: Susac's syndrome: The triad of microangiopathy of the brain and retina with hearing loss in young women . In: Neurology . 44, 1994, pp. 591-593. doi : 10.1212 / WNL.44.4.591 .
  2. Dr. John O. Susac: Obituary. In: February 26, 2012, accessed November 10, 2018 .
  3. ^ JO Susac, J. Hardman, J. Selhorst: Microangiopathy of the brain and retina . In: Neurology . 29, No. 3, 1979, p. 313. doi : 10.1212 / wnl.29.3.313 .
  4. A Fo Ben: Carphology . In: Practical Neurology . 12, No. 4, 2012, p. 274. doi : 10.1136 / practneurol-2012-000334 .
  5. Egan R: John O. Susac, MD (1940-2012) . In: Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology . 32, No. 3, September, p. 292. doi : 10.1097 / WNO.0b013e3182678454 .