José Antonio Kast

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José Antonio Kast as MP in 2010.

José Antonio Kast Rist (born January 18, 1966 in Santiago de Chile ) is a Chilean lawyer and politician. He is the founder of the Republican Party and is described as ultra-conservative , right-wing populist , right-wing conservative , right-wing extremist , neo-fascist and right-wing counter-revolutionary .

Kast was a member of the Chamber of Deputies and represented District 24 of Peñalolén and La Reina . He was a member of the Unión Demócrata Independiente until 2016 and an independent politician until 2019. He was a candidate in the 2017 presidential election in Chile .

Kast also ran for the presidential election in Chile in 2021 , but was defeated in the runoff to Gabriel Boric .

Early years

Kast's parents Michael Kast Schindele , a Wehrmacht officer, and Olga Rist Hagspiel immigrated from Bavaria and founded a Cecina factory and restaurant after their arrival in the 1950s . They had nine children. José Antonio Kast is a brother of the economist, minister and former governor of the central bank, Miguel Kast (1948–1983), and uncle of the Senator of the Evópoli, Felipe Kast .

Kast attended a German school in Santiago de Chile and studied law at the Catholic University of Chile , where he made first contacts with the Movimiento Gremialista (guild movement). He ran for the presidency of the Student Union (FEUC).

Political career

The logo of the 2017 campaign by José Antonio Kast

Between 1996 and 2000 he was a councilor in Buin . In 2001 he was elected to the Chamber of Deputies for District 30 of San Bernardo. He was the general secretary of the Independent Democratic Union, from which he resigned to run for the presidency.

On August 18, 2017, he officially registered his independent candidacy with the electoral service; he received 43,461 signatures. He was supported by right-wing, conservative, libertarian , nationalist, pinochettist organizations and veterans groups , among others . Kast advocated, among other things, less taxes, less government, against abortions and against the immigration of convicts. His support for the military government sparked controversy during his election campaign, particularly over his proposal to pardon those convicted of human rights violations under Pinochet's government when they are old and sick. In the presidential election, he received 523,213 votes, 7.93% of the total vote and fourth place, although polls only showed 2-3% support. In the second round of the election, he supported the eventual winner Sebastián Piñera .

In March 2018, Kast was scheduled to give a lecture at Arturo Prat University in Iquique while on a tour of Chilean universities , but was physically attacked by demonstrators who opposed his political views. Kast accused the Universidad de Concepción and the University of Austral de Chile with censorship. Kast praised the "economic legacy" of the Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and expressed the idea of ​​digging a ditch to curb immigration.

In April 2018, Kast founded the political movement Acción Republicana .

In the elections in Brazil in 2018 supported Kast Jair Bolsonaro .

In May 2019 he founded the think tank Republican Ideas and in June 2019 the Chilean Republican Party .

During the Chilean protests in 2019 , he opposed the violent riots and the destruction of private and public property and defended the concept of Law and Order .

In the Chilean referendum on the amendment of the Chilean constitution in 2020, he supported the “reject” option, which was defeated by 21.72% against the “agree” option with 78.28%.

In the elections to the Chilean Constitutional Convention in 2021, he concluded a political pact with the center-right alliance Chile Vamos to draw up a joint list of candidates called Vamos por Chile. The list received 20.6% of the vote and represents less than a third of the convention. Kast proposed one of the alliance's main candidates, who agrees with his political views, Teresa Marinovic , which was not well received by sections of the center-right, but Marinovic won by a high percentage and thanks to the D'Hondt method many other candidates were able to join their triumph enter the Convention.

On the same day, the Chilean local elections in 2021 took place, in which the Republican Party of Kast did not form a coalition with the center-right.

In June of the same year, the primary elections for the 2021 presidential election of Chile Vamos took place, which Sebastián Sichel won. Months earlier, Joaquín Lavín had won the polls, and Gabriel Boric surprisingly beat Daniel Jadue in the area code of the left Apruebo Dignidad .

Presidential election campaign 2021

Kast in the 2021 presidential election campaign

After the 2017 election, Kast announced that he would run for president again in the next election. In 2021 he ran (unlike 2017) with his party and with candidates for the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. Kast founded the Christian Social Front , a political alliance to present a list of candidates with the right-wing evangelical Christian Conservative Party .

After the Chile primary election Vamos, in which Kast did not participate, Sichel was the top right-wing candidate in the polls, but after the initial televised debate, Kast began to overtake and became the right-wing option. Some candidates from Chile Vamos started sponsoring him instead of sickle. In the second round of the election (runoff) he went against the left Gabriel Boric, but lost.


Kast is married to María Pía Adriasola and has nine children. He is a Catholic and is part of the Schoenstatt Movement .

Web links

Commons : José Antonio Kast  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. José Antonio Kast Rist - Reseñas Biográficas BCN
  2. Partido Republicano en el mapa de la política ( es ) La Tercera. June 15, 2019. Retrieved June 23, 2019.
  3. NACIONAL POLÍTICA Partido Republicano: José Antonio Kast inscribe nuevo en el referente Servel . Diario U Chile. June 10, 2019. Retrieved in. June 2019.
  4. Se Lanzo el nuevo Partido Republicano de José Antonio Kast . T13. June 10, 2019. Retrieved June 23, 2019.
  5. James Loxton: Conservative party-building in Latin America. Authoritarian inheritance and counterrevolutionary struggle , New York 2021, p. 221.
  6. ^ A duel of extremes in Chile , Börsen-Zeitung, November 23, 2021.
  7. Bolsonaro's docile pupil , Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, November 20, 2021.
  8. Chile Back to the Future , by Christoph Gurk, Süddeutsche Zeitung November 18, 2021
  9. Sandra Weiss: In a vice on October 22, 2021 in the IPG journal : [1]
  10. Federico Füllgraf: A Pinochet admirer wants to go up. in the Friday 46/2021 [2]
  11. Rocío Montes: El candidato de la extrema derecha en Chile destaca la dictadura de Pinochet frente a los regímenes de Nicaragua, Venezuela y Cuba. November 13, 2021, accessed December 14, 2021 (Spanish).
  12. ^ José Antonio Kast, a far-right figure, could lead Chile . In: The Economist . November 23, 2021, ISSN  0013-0613 ( [accessed December 14, 2021]).
  13. Neo-Fascists on their way to the office of President - Remembrance of Chile's Dark Times , by Klaus Ehringfeld, Frankfurter Rundschau November 22, 2021
  14. runoff election of the President of Chile right counterrevolutionary , by Tjerk Brühwiller, FAZ 12/19/2021
  15. ^ José Antonio Kast renuncia a la UDI ( es ) La Tercera . May 31, 2016. Retrieved August 27, 2017.
  16. JA Kast anuncia inscripción de candidatura presidencial para el 17 de agosto y presenta comando con figuras de la UDI ( es ) Emol . July 27, 2017. Retrieved August 27, 2017.
  17. Kast anuncia carrera presidencial para elecciones de 2021 en seminario llamado "Marxismo Cultural" . In: BioBioChile . Retrieved December 16, 2018.
  19. Christoph Gurk: Back to the future. Retrieved November 20, 2021 .
  20. a b c Valeria Ibarra: Historia del clan Kast mezcla negocios, política y religious ( es ) El Mercurio . July 31, 2011. Retrieved October 18, 2017.
  21. ¿José Antonio o Felipe ?: “Es lo que nos preguntamos en los almuerzos familiares” ( es ) La Segunda . April 7, 2017. Retrieved August 27, 2017.
  22. Servicio Electoral vive jornada de formalización de pacto y declaraciones de candidaturas - Servicio Electoral de Chile ( es ) In: .
  23. José Antonio Kast: “Yo sí defiendo con orgullo la obra del gobierno militar” ( es ) The Clinic . August 11, 2017. Retrieved August 27, 2017.
  24. Out From the Shadow of Pinochet: A Guide to Chile's Election . Bloomberg News . July 7, 2017. Retrieved August 27, 2017.
  25. Marcela Jiménez: Kast y la irrupción de la ultraderecha: avanza el ejército en las sombras (es) . In: El Mostrador . Retrieved December 22, 2017. 
  26. a b Rocío Montes: El presidenciable chileno que reivindica a Pinochet (es) . In: El País , November 13, 2017. Retrieved April 23, 2018. 
  27. José Antonio Kast: No queremos que otros se aprovechen y vengan pensando que van a salvar sus vidas (es) . October 11, 2017. Retrieved April 23, 2018. 
  28. Una sorpresa llamada Kast - Revista Qué Pasa (es-ES) . In: Revista Qué Pasa , November 20, 2017. Retrieved December 22, 2017. 
  29. José Antonio Kast por agresión en Iquique: “No puedo permitir que me caricaturicen” .
  30. JA Kast invoca Ley Zamudio contra Universidad de Concepción por no poder realizar una charla a estudiantes .
  31. Organizadores cancelan charla de YES Kast en la Universidad Austral ex Diputado Acusa censura por amenazas de grupos de izquierda .
  32. Chile: German-born right-wing populist Jose Antonio Kast is ahead in the election . In: The mirror . November 22, 2021, ISSN  2195-1349 ( [accessed November 22, 2021]).
  33. José Antonio Kast lanza su movimiento Acción Republicana “para despertar a la gran mayoría silenciosa” ( es )
  34. Jose Antonio Kast se reúne con Bolsonaro y le regala camiseta de la Selección Chilena . 24 Horas. Retrieved January 14, 2019.
  35. Jose Antonio Kast lanza el Instituto de Ideas Republicanas ( it ) Radio Agricultura. May 24, 2019. Retrieved June 23, 2019.
  36. Un día con Pía Adriasola, esposa de JA Kast: “Dios me compensó por tener menos marido con 9 hijos” ( es ) El Dínamo. August 4, 2017. Retrieved August 27, 2017.