Josef Flegl

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Josef Flegl (born December 7, 1881 in Horschitz , † May 7, 1962 in Prague ) was a Czech composer , cellist and music teacher .


Josef Flegl studied cello and piano and was a cellist with the Czech Philharmonic for some time . He later founded a private music school in Prague. Above all, his textbooks for children became known. In addition, he also composed a. a. orchestral works inspired by folklore from the Giant Mountains .

His brother Václav Flegl was also a composer.

Works (selection)

  • Dachovská polka
  • Správná polka
  • Domažlická polka
  • Vilantická polka
  • Mlynářská polka ( German  Müller Polka )
  • Naše česká polka ( German  Our Czech Polka )
  • Národní polka ( German  national polka )
  • Sobotecká
  • Švitořivá
  • Sláva Chodsku ( German for  the honor of Chodenland , English Hail to the Border Guards )
  • Národ sobě! ( German  The nation for itself! )
  • Among friends (concert march)
  • Kaťuša ( Russian March)
  • 1914
  • Polonéza z Hořicka ( German  Polonaise in Hořicka )
  • Pêle-mêle (March potpourri from traditional songs of Czechoslovakia)
  • Stříbrné ty žítko ( German  Silbernes Schitkowa )
  • Union-marche (op. 3)
Piano pieces
  • Obrázky pro děti ( German  children's pieces ; for piano for two hands in simple style)
  • Od Čerchova k Jasině ( German  Vom Schwarzkopf nach Jasině ; 16 dances for piano for two hands in a simple style)
  • Perlicky svetových ( German  Perlenwelt ; collection of excerpts from famous operas for piano in a simple style)
  • První vánoce ( German  First Christmas ; simple pieces for young pianists in the range of five notes with text)
  • Valčík z opery Eugen Oněgin ( German  waltz from the opera Eugen Onegin ; for piano for two hands in a simple style)
  • Veselé Vánoce ( German  Merry Christmas ; mixture of Christmas carols for piano in a simple style)
  • Vlasti ( German  Heimat ; for piano for two hands with text)
  • Český ráj ( German  Czech Paradise ; for piano four hands in a simple style, for both players between five or six tones; op.16)
  • Čeští mistři XVIII. století ( German  Czech masters of the 18th century ; collection of selected piano pieces by old Czech composers for piano for two hands)
  • Hořické (12 songs and dances for voice with piano accompaniment; op. 30)
  • Kde domov můj ( German  Where is my home? )
  • Kozácké tance ( German  Cossack dances )
  • Lola ( Mazurka )
  • Na dostihách ( German  while running ; gallop )
  • Od Čerchova k Volze ( German  Vom Schwarzkopf zur Wolga ; Czechoslovak and Russian folk dances for one or two violins in the first position in a simple style)
  • Písnička Sázavy ( German  Sázava song ; waltz idyl)
  • Romantikové (popular melodies from operas and songs in simple style)
  • Sen lásky ( German  love dream ; waltz)
  • Slovanské operní album ( German  Slovak opera album ; excerpts from popular operas by Škroup , Smetana , Blodek , Tschaikowski and Zajc )
  • Vánoční dětská fantasie ( German  Christmas fantasy for children ; op. 22)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Archive regionálnich osobností ( Memento of the original from May 9, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . Retrieved March 17, 2016 (Czech).  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. a b Alliance Publications, Inc. - F - Flegl, Josef ( Memento from February 23, 2013 in the web archive ) (English).
  3. a b c d Flegl, Josef. In: Virtual International Authority File. Retrieved March 17, 2016 .
  4. ^ Hail to the Border Guards (score) . In: . Retrieved February 24, 2017.