Josef Höbarth

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Personality monument in Horn

Josef Höbarth (born March 17, 1891 in Reinprechtspölla , † December 15, 1952 in Horn ) was a Lower Austrian local history researcher and museum founder.


Höbarth was born the son of a master blacksmith. Since his earliest youth he collected palaeontological, prehistoric and early historical as well as folkloric remains. His role model was Johann Krahuletz , in whose Krahuletz Museum he was a frequent guest as a student. Later contact with prehistorians such as Anton Hrodegh , Josef Bayer , Eduard Beninger and Christian Pescheck provided the basic technical requirements. Höbarth acquired a great deal of specialist knowledge, especially in matters relating to prehistory and early history, and in his later years was considered an authority, for example, in matters of the Mesolithic and Hallstatt culture. His excavations and finds made the Höbarthmuseum of the city of Horn, named after him in 1930 , one of the largest and most important museums in Lower Austria.

Höbarth left a remarkable collection of minerals and was successful in the palaeontological field. A fossil sea ​​urchin species he discovered was given the scientific name Scutella höbarthi . In the field of folklore, he succeeded in saving valuable cultural assets from the Gothic onwards . His collections from the Baroque and Biedermeier periods illustrate the local contemporary way of life. Höbarth also dealt with folk costumes and folk dance and was actively involved in these areas.

His area of ​​work was mainly the Lower Austrian Manhartsberg area , the transition landscape between the Waldviertel and Weinviertel .

Josef Höbarth has published reports on excavations and finds in the journal “Fundberichte aus Österreich” of the Federal Monuments Office in Vienna . Shortly before his death, he was awarded the professional title of professor - on the recommendation of the then Lower Austrian Governor Johann Steinböck . In Horn the Josef-Höbarthgasse and in Vienna- Floridsdorf the Höbarthgasse were named after him. He rests in a grave of honor in the town of Horn.


  • Reports in: Find reports from Austria. 1st volume, Vienna 1930–1934 to 5th volume, Vienna 1959.
  • Stone Age ax finds. In: The Waldviertel. 5, 1932, p. 47.
  • Valuable excavations and prehistoric finds from the area of ​​the Manhartsberg. Illustrated folk calendar for 1934. Krems 1934.
  • Life memories. Vienna 1953.


  • Friedrich Berg : Josef Höbarth (1891–1952). On the 40th anniversary of his death on December 16, 1992. Additions to his biography. In: The Waldviertel. 41, 1992, pp. 390ff. (Summary of the previous literature on Josef Höbarth).
  • Hermann Maurer : A private publication by Josef Höbarth. In: The Waldviertel. 46, 1997, p. 59ff.
  • Wolfgang Schausberger: Josef Höbarth's environment and worldview. In: Ralph Andraschek-Holzer , Erich Rabl (Ed.): Höbarthmuseum and City of Horn. Contributions to the museum and city history. Horn 1991, pp. 181-192.

Web links

Commons : Josef Höbarth  - Collection of images, videos and audio files