Josef König (politician)

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Josef Adolf König (born March 19, 1898 in Ostritz ; † August 12, 1973 in Potsdam ) was a German politician ( KPD / SED ). He was a member of the Provincial Parliament of Upper Silesia and the Landtag of Brandenburg .


König, a trained shoemaker , fought as a soldier in the First World War from 1915 . At the end of 1918 he was a member of the workers 'and soldiers' council in Königsberg . He joined the USPD in 1919 and the KPD in late 1920. From 1920 he was chairman of the KPD local group in Breslau , later a full-time functionary of the KPD district leadership in East Prussia and Upper Silesia . In 1925, König was co-founder and Gaufführer of the Red Front Fighters League in Silesia, then in this function in Eastern Saxony (1927) and Hesse (1928). After a military-political course in the Soviet Union in 1929, König became an employee in the AM apparatus of the KPD district leadership of Upper Silesia and head of the KPD group Ratibor . König was also a member of the city council and the provincial council. At the end of 1932, König belonged to the secretariat of the KPD district leadership in Upper Silesia under Paul Wojtkowski .

After the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists, König took part in the communist resistance . He was arrested on July 22, 1933 and was imprisoned in the Esterwegen concentration camp until September 1934 . Then he worked as a shoemaker again. In 1938 he moved to Gottesberg (Silesia) . In 1943 he was drafted into the Wehrmacht .

In 1945/46 he worked on behalf of the Central Secretariat of the KPD in the Waldenburg area . König was employed by the city administration in Gottesberg, initially under Soviet and then under Polish administration; most recently he was a civilian employee in the Red Army .

In August 1946, König moved to the Soviet occupation zone in Potsdam. From September 1946 to 1951 he worked for the secretariat of the SED state leadership in Brandenburg . There he was initially a consultant in the advertising and training department, from March 1947 deputy head, from February 1948 head of the organization department. In July 1949 he was briefly employed as the first secretary of the SED district committee Beeskow-Storkow . He was then deputy head from August to December 1949 (successor to Margot Feist-Altenkirch ), then until December 1950 head of the office of the secretariat of the SED state committee in Brandenburg. König played a key role in the membership review in the SED regional association of Brandenburg. From September 1951 he worked as head of the classified information department in the Brandenburg Ministry of the Interior and then from July 1952 head of the classified information department at the Cottbus district council . From 1953, König was an employee of the SED district leadership in Potsdam-City and -Land, where he was responsible for building up the combat groups in the factories.

From October 1947 to September 1950, König was also a member of the Brandenburg state parliament, where he was temporarily chairman of the submission committee.

In March 1958 he was awarded the Patriotic Order of Merit in bronze by Wilhelm Pieck as a member of the Potsdam SED city council .


  • Martin Broszat et al. (Ed.): SBZ manual: State administrations, parties, social organizations and their executives in the Soviet occupation zone of Germany 1945–1949 . 2nd Edition. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, Munich 1993, ISBN 3-486-55262-7 , p. 951.
  • Andreas Herbst , Gerd-Rüdiger Stephan, Jürgen Winkler (eds.): The SED - history, organization, politics. A manual . Dietz, Berlin 1997, ISBN 3-320-01951-1 , p. 1000.
  • Friederike Sattler: Economic order in transition. Politics, organization and function of the KPD / SED in the state of Brandenburg during the establishment of the central planned economy in the Soviet Zone / GDR 1945–52 . LIT Verlag, Münster 2002, ISBN 3-8258-6321-2 , p. 939.
  • King, Joseph . In: Hermann Weber , Andreas Herbst (ed.): German communists. Biographical Handbook 1918 to 1945 . 2nd revised and greatly expanded edition. Karl Dietz Verlag, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-320-02130-6 , p. 474

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carsten Voigt: Combat leagues of the labor movement. The Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold and the Red Front Fighter League in Saxony 1924–1933 . Böhlau, Cologne / Weimar / Vienna 2009, ISBN 978-3-412-20449-5 , p. 147f.
  2. Bernd Klemm (ed.): "... the mischief was put to an end by police intervention". Secret reports by the Hesse political police on left and right in Offenbach 1923–1930 . Campus, Frankfurt am Main / Saalbau, Offenbach 1982, ISBN 3-593-33011-3 , p. 181.
  3. Neues Deutschland , March 29, 1959, p. 2.